
Advanced string handling for Sass

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Here is a Compass Extension providing you all functions you need to manipulate your Sass strings.

What's in there?

  • char-at($string, $index): returns the character from $string at index $index
  • str-count($string, $needle): counts number of occurrences of $needle in $string
  • str-ends-width($string, $needle): returns wether $string ends with $needle
  • str-explode($string, $separator): explodes $string on $separator occurrences
  • str-implode($list): implodes $list into a string
  • str-last-index($string, $needle): returns last index of $needle in $string
  • str-lcfirst($string): turns first letter of $string into lower case
  • str-pad($string, $length, $pad: " ", $direction: left): pads $string with $pad to match $length starting from $direction
  • str-printf($string, $elements...): replaces occurrences of %s in $string by elements from $elements
  • str-repeat($string, $times): repeats $string $times times
  • str-replace($string, $old, $new: "", $case-sensitive: true): replaces $old by $new in $string respecting $case-sensitive
  • str-reverse($string): reverses string
  • str-rot($string, $rot: 13): rotates letters in $string of $rot position in alphabet
  • str-shuffle($string): shuffles letters in string
  • str-split($string): splits $string into a list of characters
  • str-starts-width($string, $needle): returns wether $string starts with $needle
  • str-trim($string): removes white spaces before and after $string
  • str-ucfirst($string): turns first letter of $string into upper case
  • str-word-count($string): counts number of words in $string
  • stringify($literal): casts to stringify

As well as default Sass core functions:

  • str-index
  • str-slice
  • str-length
  • str-insert
  • to-lower-case
  • to-upper-case

If you feel like an explorer, you can have a look at the code here.


  • Sass ~> 3.3.0
  • Compass ~> 1.0

Some functions depend on other functions. If you include functions individually, make sure to check for these dependencies in their respective docs.