
ktor and spring-web integrate

Primary LanguageKotlin

ktor and spring-web integrate

  • easy to migrate from spring-boot-web(or webflux)


  • route registry
  • parameter receive
  • support suspend functions
  • support java class route
  • suport request header / cookie value
  • support response redirect
  • support static resource
  • file upload(support multipart file) and download (inject ApplicationResponse)
  • handle response view freemarker supported
  • use different parameter resolvers instead of single one
  • support multi file upload
  • support more annotations like GetMapping/PostMapping etc.


  • support dynamic registry route
  • filters or intercepts
  • handle exception
  • handle CQRS

quick start

  • add repository
  • add dependency
  • controller(kotlin)
class OCRController(private val ocrService: OCRService) {
    suspend fun base64(@RequestParam("file") file: MultipartFile): String {
        return ocrService.recognize(file)
  • same with java code (of course, no suspend)
public class OCRJavaController {
    private OCRService ocrService;

    public String base64(MultipartFile file){
        return ocrService.recognize(file);
  • configuration
    port: 8080
    enableTrace: false
    engine: "Netty"  //Netty and CIO only
    staticRoot: "static"
    templatesRoot: "templates"
  • supported spring-web annotaiton
  • request and response inject
fun base64(request:ApplicationRequest,response:ApplicationResponse): String ...