
These should be installed:

  • Ruby 3.0.0
  • bundler
  • postgresql
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s


  • Post records Post records can be parent or chapters (which related to some parent). Parent post has at least one post_item record related. Post contains title, body, published flag with date (TODO use published_at) and slug for accessing by url. If parent post not published, it's hidden. Every related chapter will be hidden too, even if they are published.

  • PostItem records Relation between parent posts and chapters or sections. Record contains order (for sorting and prioritising), related parent and optional related chapter (can be just "section").


Heroku demo app available at

Seeds contains several pages:

In addition, every page can be fetched as json. Just add .json at the end of url and you'll see json with ToC and current post content.


Application code contains some note to possible improvements. Also it needs some kind of post builder or at least api module for creation of posts and chapters.