Yearn Allowlist

This repo contains the implementation contracts of Yearn's Allowlist, for example, to validate that a given address is a valid vault token. For more information on what an Allowlist is, and how to set it up, see the repo here

Deployment Addresses

Contract Address
YearnFinance Allowlist 0x84623D8e494FE0322543F6B525AEF3971d4b24Fd
AllowlistImplementationYearnVaults 0x4894D98442f5BeA884cD6fa958954F73f58AE9B0
AllowlistImplementationYveCRV 0x1Ff86e4934F79c73D649f75fcE6Da075dBAf5eD1
AllowlistImplementationPartnerTracker 0x3268c3Bda100eF0Ff3c2D044F23eAB62C80d78D2