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Persons in crisis calls for service attended


The repo contains some preliminary statistical results from the dataset from Open Data Toronto, available at https://open.toronto.ca/dataset/persons-in-crisis-calls-for-service-attended/.

Paper: https://github.com/xgao28/PICCFSA/blob/main/paper/paper.pdf

File Structure

The repo is structured as follows:

  • data/raw_data contains the raw data as obtained from Open Data Toronto and the simulated data.
  • data/analysis_data contains the cleaned dataset that was constructed.
  • other/llm contains details about LLM chat interactions.
  • other/sketches contains sketches of an expected dataset.
  • paper contains the files used to generate the paper, including the Quarto document and reference bibliography file, as well as the PDF of the paper.
  • scripts contains the R scripts used to simulate, download and clean data.

Statement on LLM usage

Aspects of the code were written with the help of ChatGPT. The entire chat history is available in inputs/llms/usage.txt.