wasm code
input of wasm function and the top level function must be main.
simulation of wasm execution of target wasm bytecode with particular inputs are correct.
Instruction Table[ITable] is a [FIXED] map reprensents the wasm code image.
ITable: address
Initial Memory Table[MTable] is [FIXED] and represents the heap memory of wasm.
IMTable: heap memory index
Exexution Trace Table [ETable] is used to verifying that the execution sequence enforces the semantics of each instruction's bytecode.
ETable: eid execution
(eid, return address, last jump eid)
((eid+empty, stack + heap) -> memory access log empty for heap memory initialization (verifies data access)
public inputs for top level functions
Memory access log is used to describe how memory is used.
- MemoryAccessLog = ((Init + Write + Read), (i32/64+f32/64), data)
Suppose that A, B are tables, A = (
Polynomial lookup can prove
- find l' from
${b_i}$ to${a_i}$ . - compare row numbers of
$A$ and$B$ and make sure${a_i}$ are unique and$f(a_i) \neq f(a_j)$ when$a_i \neq a_j$ .
ITable + IMTable
ETable, MTable, JTable
Instruction encodes the static predefined wasm image and is abstracted as a table of pair (InstructionAddress, Instruction).
- InstructionAddress = (ModuleId, FunctionId, InstructionId)
- Opcode = (OpcodeClass + InnerParameters)
- MemoryAddress = (Stack + Heap, ModuleId, offset)
- for stack memory, its ModuleId always equals 0.
- for heap memory, its Module Id start from 1.
- offset: start from 0.
Init memory table describes the initial data of heap before execution and is abstracted as a table of pair IMTable = (HeapMemoryIndex, data)
Execution table represents the execution sequence and it needs to match the semantic of each opcode in the sequence.
ETable [$T_e$] = (EId, Instruction, SP,restMops, lastJumpEId, RestJops)
$eid$ starts from 1 and inc one after each instruction in the ETable. -
$\forall e \in \mathbb{T_e}$ there exists$e'\in \mathbb{T_i}$ such that$e.instruction = e'.instruction$ . This constraint proves that each executed bytecode exists in the instruction table. -
$\forall e_k, e_{k+1} \in T_e$ $e_k.eid + 1= e_{k+1}.eid$ -
$e1.next(e1.address) = e2.address$ .
lookup(EID, Instruction, SP) --> mtable
- (
$eid$ ,$i$ ,$sp$ ) is unique - map from etable to mtable is identical mapping
- It remains to show two table has same number of memory rw rows:
- Suppose that
$e$ is the last element of$\mathbb{T_e}$ , then$e.restMops = 0$ .
- Suppose that
- (
sp -> stack memory log [emid] 存在于 mtable
- mtable log = init + execution
EID OP accessType Address value eid op write address data ... .. .... ..... ... eid op read address data
MTable [$T_m$] = ( eid, emid, address, accessType, type, data)
- Suppose that
$r_k$ and$r_{k+1}$ in MTable and$r_{k}.accessType = write$ and$r_{k+1}$ .accessType = Read$ Then$r_{k+1}.data = r_k.data$ - Suppose that
$r_k$ and$r_{k+1}$ in Mtable, addressCode(r_k) <= addressCode(r_{k+1}) where addressCode(r_k) = address << 2 + emid
We uses z3 (https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3) to check that all operation are compiled to zkp circuits correctly.
[This is a WIP project, only sample code are provided here. Please contact xgao@zoyoe.com for state circuit customization and application integration.