- Pythagoras: Everyone knows his famous theorem, but not who discovered it 1000 years before him | SpringerLink (added 2023-10-05)
- Disparition de Jérémie Mouginot | IGE Géosciences Environnement (added 2022-10-06)
- Theoritical computer science (added 2021-11-26)
- Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics: Table of Contents (added 2019-04-27)
- Cosmology II: A numerical project on the formation of the CMB and structures in the Universe (added 2023-02-18)
- notebooks/Growth-Of-Structure-21_CMB.ipynb at master · cmbant/notebooks (added 2021-08-17)
- Fisher Forecasting (added 2021-04-15)
- Quick start — HealpixMap v0.1.5 documentation (added 2020-09-30)
- CosmicFish (added 2020-09-25)
- JulienPeloton/lenscov: Full CMB and lensing covariances (added 2019-03-07)
- Code in the browser with GitHub Classroom - The GitHub Blog (added 2020-05-27)
- The Fourier Transform, explained in one sentence (Revolutions) (added 2023-01-15)
- Tweag - Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Sampling, Part 1: The Basics (added 2020-10-29)
- Simon Ward-Jones | Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (added 2020-10-06)
- MIT Deep Learning: Lectures and Tutorials for Introduction to and Overview of the Field (added 2019-12-27)
- Gaussian Processes, not quite for dummies - Yuge Shi (added 2019-09-17)
- mit-deep-learning/tutorial_driving_scene_segmentation.ipynb at master · lexfridman/mit-deep-learning (added 2019-01-08)
- Gaussian Processes for Dummies · (added 2019-01-05)
- A sane introduction to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) | Terra Incognita (added 2019-01-03)
- Le principe d’équivalence à l’épreuve | CNRS Le journal (added 2017-11-20)
- ISU physicists help demonstrate existence of new subatomic structure (added 2016-11-06)
- Stanford Engineering Everywhere | EE261 - The Fourier Transform and its Applications (added 2016-09-12)
- What Babies Know About Physics and Foreign Languages (added 2016-08-05)
- Shit My Reviewers Say (added 2016-03-11)
- 1603.05218: Characteristics of Four Upward-pointing Cosmic-ray-like Events Observed with ANITA (added 2018-09-27)
- Colliding neutron stars apply kiss of death to theories of gravity | Ars Technica (added 2017-10-26)
- Cosmos on Nautilus: Is Dark Matter our Generation’s Ether? (added 2017-03-10)
- Le paradoxe de Fermi et les extraterrestres invisibles (added 2016-09-10)
- An Interesting SETI Candidate in Hercules (added 2016-08-29)
- Sad Trombone Exoplanet Reality Check - Charlie’s Diary (added 2016-08-24)
- Here’s the first person to spot those gravitational waves (added 2016-03-26)
- The Man Who Imagined Wormholes and Schooled Hawking (added 2016-02-27)
- heroxbd/waveform-analysis: Waveform analysis for reviewing all the effective methods. (added 2021-12-15)
- Neutrino manga (added 2019-03-29)
- 1810.00505: On the capture rates of big bang neutrinos by nuclei within the Dirac and Majorana hypotheses (added 2018-11-09)
- Evidence of Neutrino Enhanced Clustering in a Complete Sample of Sloan Survey Clusters,Implying ∑mν = 0.11 ± 0.03eV. (added 2018-01-08)
- 1702.03341: NU-SETI: A Proposal to Detect Extra-Terrestrial Signals Carried by Neutrinos (added 2017-03-09)
- NUISANCE – NUISANCE aims to provide a coherent framework for comparing neutrino generators to external data. (added 2017-01-06)
- First Search for Lorentz and CPT Violation in Double Beta Decay with EXO-200 (added 2016-02-12)
- Is the neutrino its own antiparticle? | symmetry magazine (added 2016-01-21)
- Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics (added 2018-09-23)
- Seven ways to skin Schrödinger’s cat | New Scientist (added 2017-10-02)
- Donner du sens à la mécanique quantique | CNRS Le journal (added 2016-03-12)
- Physicists have broken the record for the most accurate clock ever built (added 2016-02-12)
- Purifying Physics: The quest to explain why the “quantum” exists (added 2016-01-01)
- Les électrons sont-ils immortels ? (added 2015-12-21)
- Why Physicists Tried to Put a Ferret in a Particle Accelerator - Atlas Obscura (added 2023-07-04)
- Murray Gell-Mann, Who Peered at Particles and Saw the Universe, Dies at 89 - The New York Times (added 2019-05-26)
- Physicists investigate why matter and antimatter are not mirror images - Antimatter (added 2018-10-01)
- No Proton Decay Means Grand Unification Must Wait | Quanta Magazine (added 2016-12-18)
- Cours d’automne 2016 - fifty years that changed our physics_part1 - Jean Iliopoulos (added 2016-12-02)
- Backreaction: The LHC “nightmare scenario” has come true. (added 2016-08-09)
- Has a Hungarian physics lab found a fifth force of nature? (added 2016-05-25)
- Large Hadron Collider can be ‘world’s biggest rain meter’ (added 2016-04-22)
- The number that fascinates physicists above all others (added 2016-02-23)
- Physicists in Europe Find Tantalizing Hints of a Mysterious New Particle (added 2015-12-23)
- Physicists Are Desperate to Be Wrong About the Higgs Boson (added 2015-12-05)
- Microsoft Word - DysonFreemanArticle.doc (added 2024-01-29)
- Microsoft Word - DysonFreemanArticle.doc (added 2019-01-07)
- The Admiral of the String Theory Wars: Peter Woit still thinks string theory is a gory mess. (added 2015-12-24)
- Physicists and Philosophers Debate the Boundaries of Science (added 2015-12-23)
- Diversion - Cloud-Native Version Control (added 2024-01-22)
- GitHub Actions as a time-sharing supercomputer (added 2024-01-11)
- 🗜 omg it’s a smolsite (added 2023-09-07)
- Data Visualization (added 2023-02-01)
- Installing a payphone in my house | bertrand fan (added 2022-06-03)
- Dokku - The smallest PaaS implementation you’ve ever seen (added 2022-05-14)
- BirdNET-Pi – BirdNET in Raspberry Pis (added 2022-04-19)
- dginev/ar5iv: A web service offering HTML5 articles from arXiv.org as converted with latexml (added 2022-02-01)
- 4 tips for GitHub Actions usability (+2 debugging) | Fleet Device Management (added 2022-01-04)
- thisiscam/math-with-slack: Rendered math (MathJax) with Slack’s desktop client (added 2021-11-03)
- Julia: faster than Fortran, cleaner than Numpy (added 2021-06-21)
- osmoscraft/osmosfeed: A web-based RSS reader running entirely from your GitHub repo. (added 2021-05-02)
- academicpages is a ready-to-fork GitHub Pages template for academic personal websites - Your Name / Site Title (added 2021-02-14)
- Comic Mono | comic-mono-font (added 2020-12-23)
- datopian/data-cli: data - command line tool for working with data, Data Packages and the DataHub (added 2020-11-08)
- Stop apologizing for bugs – Dan Slimmon (added 2020-04-25)
- juba/pyobsplot: Observable Plot in Jupyter notebooks and Quarto documents (added 2023-07-13)
- Kanaries/pygwalker: PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into a Tableau-style User Interface for visual analysis (added 2023-02-21)
- plotly/jupyter-dash: Develop Dash apps in the Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab (added 2021-02-05)
- Magic Commands for Profiling in Jupyter Notebook | by Remi Perrier | Jan, 2021 | Towards Data Science (added 2021-01-27)
- How to enable plotly chart rendering on FastPages | Soliloquium (added 2021-01-12)
- jpmorganchase/ipyregulartable: An ipywidget wrapper of regular-table for high performance, editable, stylable, lazy data model grids in jupyter and jupyterlab (added 2020-12-25)
- mwouts/jupytext: Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts (added 2020-12-24)
- How to make an awesome Python package in 2021 | Anton Zhiyanov (added 2021-04-08)
- gruns/icecream: 🍦 Never use print() to debug again. (added 2021-03-30)
- pendulum/pendulum.py at master · rougier/pendulum (added 2021-03-18)
- Home - manim documentation (added 2021-03-18)
- Pandas Plotting Backend | Python | Plotly (added 2021-01-17)
- [[][ashishpatel26/500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code: 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code]] (added 2021-01-07)
- onelivesleft/PrettyErrors: Prettify Python exception output to make it legible. (added 2020-12-30)
- willmcgugan/rich: Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. (added 2020-12-30)
- FastAPI (added 2020-12-27)
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from Scratch | Scott H. Hawley (added 2020-12-23)
- nbgitpuller — nbgitpuller 0.1b documentation (added 2020-12-23)
- Starboard , The shareable in-browser notebook (added 2020-11-21)
- binderhub-voila-native/Presentation.ipynb at master · danlester/binderhub-voila-native (added 2020-11-20)
- Cell output on the side · Issue #2897 · jupyter/notebook (added 2020-11-08)
- Tips for Creating Slideshows in Jupyter | Mark Roepke (added 2020-11-08)
- jupyter/nbgrader: A system for assigning and grading notebooks (added 2020-10-27)
- ahrenberg/nbcorg: A jupyter notebook to orgmode exporter for nbconvert (added 2020-10-27)
- Deepnote - Data science notebook for teams (added 2020-06-15)
- deshaw/jupyterlab-execute-time: Execute Time Plugin for Jupyter Lab (added 2020-04-19)
- kafonek/ipython_blocking: A Python library that offers a context manager to turn on cell execution capture/blocking in Jupyter notebooks/IPykernel. Useful when you need a “blocking widget” (added 2020-04-19)
- umlet/pwk: Python With Kurly braces (added 2020-11-24)
- nschloe/tikzplotlib: Convert matplotlib figures to TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX. (added 2020-10-29)
- JetBrains/lets-plot: An open-source plotting library for statistical data. (added 2020-09-09)
- Datalore : Explore, compute, visualize, and share (added 2020-09-09)
- luvsound/pippi: computer music with python (added 2020-08-27)
- dfm/kepler.py: Fast and stable solver for Kepler’s equation in Python (added 2020-06-24)
- An exploratory statistical analysis of the 2014 World Cup Final (added 2020-06-15)
- say4n/hotreload: hot reload your python code! (added 2020-06-14)
- psalias2006/Google2Csv: Google2Csv is a simple google scraper that saves the results on a csv file (added 2020-06-05)
- Martin Heinz - Personal Website & Blog (added 2020-06-02)
- Dash App Gallery (added 2020-05-31)
- dash-sample-apps/apps/dash-brain-viewer at master · plotly/dash-sample-apps (added 2020-05-30)
- Hypermodern Python · Claudio Jolowicz (added 2020-05-28)
- How do I highlight an entire trace upon hover in Plotly for Python? - Stack Overflow (added 2020-05-18)
- NERSC/ipypathchooser: An ipywidget for choosing a path (file or directory) interactively (added 2020-05-11)
- willmcgugan/rich: Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. (added 2020-05-05)
- leeoniya/uPlot: 📈 A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars (added 2020-05-03)
- dnanhkhoa/nb_black: A simple extension for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab to beautify Python code automatically using black. (added 2020-04-19)
- Repl.it - Online IDE, Editor, and Compiler - Fast, Powerful, Free (added 2020-03-22)
- artagnon/clayoven: 💎 beautiful website generator for math, code, and articles (added 2019-12-15)
- Self-hosted website analytics | Ackee (added 2019-09-03)
- Home | Bookdown (added 2019-06-21)
- Introduction à R et au tidyverse (added 2019-06-21)
- openrefine.github.com (added 2019-02-25)
- leon-ai/leon: 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant. (added 2019-02-16)
- Gaia - Build powerful pipelines in any programming language. (added 2019-01-04)
- From Bootstrap to CSS Grid – Times Open (added 2017-12-29)
- edwardtufte/tufte-css: Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts. (added 2020-12-22)
- John Doe’s page (added 2020-11-22)
- HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates (added 2020-07-11)
- LaTeX.css — Make your website look like a LaTeX document (added 2020-05-23)
- HarveySheppard/yLaTeX: My LaTeX projects (classes, packages and more)! (added 2020-10-28)
- tecosaur/BMC: My bespoke, multipurpose class; designed for general use in LaTeX documents. (added 2020-10-27)
- LaTeX Boilerplates · Plain-text Document Production System (added 2020-06-20)
- Docker Data Containers (added 2020-01-28)
- Intro Guide to Dockerfile Best Practices - Docker Blog (added 2019-07-08)
- deck_build · flexos-io/doc Wiki (added 2019-02-17)
- Pushing and Pulling to and from Docker Hub (added 2018-10-05)
- shell - How to check if a process is running inside docker container - Stack Overflow (added 2018-01-08)
- MaitresNageurs / PiscineJI · GitLab (added 2017-12-26)
- Singularity | Singularity (added 2017-12-13)
- Binder (beta) - Turn a Github repo into a collection of interactive notebooks (added 2017-11-28)
- Tufte CSS (added 2017-11-06)
- mini.css - Minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework (added 2017-05-04)
- Omakub — An Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH (added 2024-06-10)
- Automatic mounts with systemd · Blog | Tomáš Tomeček (added 2023-12-10)
- transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. (added 2023-04-08)
- Using a Raspberry Pi as a Bluetooth speaker with PipeWire (added 2022-09-02)
- intoli/exodus: Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers. (added 2021-12-05)
- <a href=”chown -R root @@html:@@var/lib/ntp”>openntpd fatal: bad privsep dir /var/lib/ntp permissions: (on arch linux) | artodeto’s blog about coding, politics and the world /(added 2021-11-24)
- How install the addon · CastagnaIT/plugin.video.netflix Wiki (added 2021-01-04)
- RaymiiOrg/bash-http-monitoring: HTTP(s) monitoring webpage via shell script (added 2020-12-27)
- Create Vintage Videos Using FFmpeg in 4 Simple Steps - OTTVerse (added 2020-11-15)
- ninja: a simple way to do builds (added 2020-10-27)
- fastai/fastmac: Get a MacOS or Linux shell, for free, in around 2 minutes (added 2020-09-12)
- rclone/rclone: “rsync for cloud storage” - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files (added 2020-04-06)
- IRC and Emacs all the things (messengers like Slack, Skype, etc) - 200ok (added 2020-04-02)
- vuiet/README.md at master · mihaiolteanu/vuiet (added 2021-03-19)
- Disk Prices on Amazon (added 2020-01-28)
- JLErvin/berry: A healthy, byte-sized window manager written over the XLib Library (added 2020-03-10)
- direnv – unclutter your .profile | direnv (added 2020-03-07)
- TekWizely/run: Easily manage and invoke small scripts and wrappers (added 2019-12-18)
- restic · Backups done right! (added 2019-11-07)
- Cluster SSH - Manage Multiple Linux Servers Simultaneously - Putorius (added 2019-10-29)
- turing753/wallblur: Faux wallpaper blurring for linux (added 2019-10-04)
- marcan/takeover.sh: Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH, without rebooting. You know you want to. (added 2019-03-11)
- My one-liner Linux Dropbox client (added 2018-12-25)
- Linux on Dex (added 2018-11-08)
- A packaging tutorial for Guix — 2018 — Blog — GuixSD (added 2018-10-11)
- Linus Torvalds: ‘I’ll never be cuddly but I can be more polite’ - BBC News (added 2018-09-27)
- tizonia/tizonia-openmax-il: Cloud music player for the Linux console that supports Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube, SoundCloud, and Dirble. (added 2017-12-01)
- Suicide Linux @ Things Of Interest (added 2017-10-27)
- Vidar’s Blog » dd is not a disk writing tool (added 2017-01-08)
- Image Effects with CSS (added 2016-11-26)
- Ring | Ring gives you a full control over your communications and an unmatched level of privacy. (added 2016-11-05)
- knsv/mermaid: Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown (added 2016-10-16)
- Bien utiliser Git merge et rebase • Delicious Insights (added 2017-10-27)
- How to squash commits in git after they have been pushed? - Stack Overflow (added 2017-10-27)
- shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced: One of the ‘BEST’ markdown preview extensions for Atom editor! (added 2016-10-16)
- xriley/Orbit-Theme: FREE Responsive Resume/CV Template for Developers - (added 2016-10-10)
- WebPlotDigitizer (added 2016-06-23)
- Mathics, a free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica (added 2016-04-09)
- The next big LHC upgrade? Software. (added 2016-03-29)
- jD91mZM2 / git-subcopy · GitLab (added 2019-10-27)
- branching and merging - Creating a branch from issue in GitLab - Stack Overflow (added 2018-09-23)
- LGTM : Simple Approvals for Pull Requests (added 2016-07-19)
- charmbracelet/pop: Send emails from your terminal 📬 (added 2023-07-17)
- MarcoLucidi01/ytcast: cast YouTube videos to your smart TV from command-line (added 2022-02-17)
- nektos/act: Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀 (added 2020-05-23)
- Jessie Frazelle’s Blog: Docker Containers on the Desktop (added 2016-08-24)
- dotfiles/install.sh at master · jfrazelle/dotfiles (added 2016-08-24)
- Go by Example (added 2016-03-04)
- Archlinux under windows (added 2016-03-03)
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial (added 2020-12-07)
- PRESENTA Playground (added 2020-11-21)
- Learn D3: Introduction / D3 / Observable (added 2020-03-25)
- What directory does homebrew use to build programs? (added 2016-02-16)
- Interactive C++ for Data Science (added 2020-12-24)
- matplotplusplus/plot_1.cpp at master · alandefreitas/matplotplusplus (added 2020-08-30)
- p-ranav/structopt: structopt for C++ - Parse command line arguments by defining a struct (added 2020-08-18)
- xmake (added 2019-10-25)
- pages.tacc.utexas.edu/~eijkhout/pcse/html/omp-data.html (added 2019-10-23)
- OpenMP: For (added 2019-10-23)
- PlatformLab/NanoLog: Nanolog is an extremely performant nanosecond scale logging system for C++ that exposes a simple printf-like API. (added 2019-09-01)
- xmake-io/xmake: 🔥 A cross-platform build utility based on Lua (added 2019-04-09)
- QuantStack/xtensor: C++ tensors with broadcasting and lazy computing (added 2019-03-28)
- Home · ssloy/tinykaboom Wiki (added 2019-01-27)
- Everything you need to know about pointers in C (added 2018-12-03)
- Introducing the C++ Lambda Runtime | AWS Compute Blog (added 2018-11-30)
- Sierra - A SIMD extension for C++ (added 2018-10-30)
- Auto Type Deduction in Range-Based For Loops | Petr Zemek (added 2016-09-02)
- libigl Tutorial (added 2016-08-29)
- Under the hood of lambdas and std::function (added 2016-03-28)
- Power up C++ with the Standard Template Library: Part 1 (added 2016-03-04)
- C++ 11 Auto: How to use and avoid abuse (added 2016-02-14)
- Manjaro - enjoy the simplicity (added 2019-10-23)
- Anarchy Linux - Home (added 2019-10-23)
- imapnotify : a IMAP mail notifier (added 2016-03-13)
- yaourt: a pacman frontend « Archlinux.fr (added 2016-02-02)
- If Feynman Was Teaching Today… A Simplified Python Simulation of Diffusion (Part 1) (added 2024-07-01)
- Repo-Review - Scientific Python Development Guide (added 2024-01-02)
- A Linear Algebra Trick for Computing Fibonacci Numbers Fast (added 2023-11-06)
- Calendar heatmaps from Pandas time series data — Calmap 0.0.6 documentation (added 2023-10-29)
- Colour maps (added 2023-06-15)
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python: 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. (added 2023-03-04)
- Particle Lenia and the energy-based formulation (added 2022-12-24)
- mljar/mercury: Convert Python notebook to web app and share with others (added 2022-06-14)
- Creating an Awesome Web App With Python and Streamlit | by Dennis Niggl | Python in Plain English (added 2022-12-07)
- PDF Parsing Dashboard with Plotly Dash | by Benjamin McCloskey | Dec, 2022 | Towards Data Science (added 2022-12-07)
- konradhalas/dacite: Simple creation of data classes from dictionaries. (added 2022-10-05)
- soxoj/maigret: 🕵️♂️ Collect a dossier on a person by username from thousands of sites (added 2022-10-03)
- Miksus/rocketry: Modern scheduling library for Python (added 2022-09-22)
- Documentation — showyourwork (added 2022-08-13)
- pathbird/poetry-kernel: Python Jupyter kernel using Poetry for reproducible notebooks (added 2021-12-24)
- satwikkansal/wtfpython: What the f*ck Python? 😱 (added 2022-05-31)
- Bytepawn - Marton Trencseni – Useful Python decorators for Data Scientists (added 2022-05-23)
- Lights at sea (added 2022-01-26)
- Overpass API (added 2022-01-26)
- The SIR epidemic model (added 2022-01-04)
- Introduction — pandas-profiling 3.1.1 documentation (added 2021-10-29)
- walkerpayne/Glucose-Analysis: Jupyter notebook that generates useful graphs and statistical metrics for analyzing and improving glycemic control. (added 2021-09-01)
- Introducing notebookJS: seamless integration between Python and JavaScript in Computational Notebooks | by Jorge Piazentin Ono | Apr, 2021 | Towards Data Science (added 2021-04-15)
- susam/texme: Self-rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents (added 2022-02-01)
- xu-cheng/latex-action: GitHub Action to compile LaTeX documents (added 2022-11-08)
- tengbao/vanta: Animated 3D backgrounds for your website (added 2022-01-03)
- marceloprates/prettymaps: A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries. (added 2021-09-01)
- chriskiehl/Gooey: Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line (added 2021-06-14)
- Data Apps with Python’s Streamlit | by Thiago Carvalho | Apr, 2021 | Towards Data Science (added 2021-04-30)
- Welcome to nbdev | nbdev (added 2020-04-14)
- donkirkby/live-py-plugin: Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even a browser (added 2020-02-04)
- Martin Heinz - Personal Website & Blog (added 2020-01-14)
- socialpoint-labs/sheetfu: Python library to interact with Google Sheets V4 API (added 2020-01-01)
- cuemacro/chartpy: Easy to use Python API wrapper to plot charts with matplotlib, plotly, bokeh and more (added 2019-12-16)
- mkrphys/ipython-tikzmagic: IPython magics for generating figures with TikZ (added 2019-12-13)
- Poetry - Python dependency management and packaging made easy. (added 2019-12-13)
- rougier/scientific-visualization-book: An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib (added 2019-10-25)
- Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures (added 2019-10-25)
- Python & OpenGL for Scientific Visualization (added 2019-10-25)
- rougier/matplotlib-tutorial: Matplotlib tutorial for beginner (added 2019-10-25)
- From Python to Numpy (added 2019-10-25)
- julvo/reloading: Change Python code while it’s running using a reloading loop (added 2019-10-18)
- Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz — PyTorch Tutorials 1.3.0 documentation (added 2019-10-13)
- Turn any Notebook into a Deployable Dashboard | SciPy 2019 | James Bednar - YouTube (added 2019-10-06)
- Present Your Data Science Projects with Jupyter Notebook Slides! (added 2019-10-06)
- 1.5. Scipy : high-level scientific computing — Scipy lecture notes (added 2019-10-06)
- Turn Python Scripts into Beautiful ML Tools - Towards Data Science (added 2019-10-06)
- SymPy makes math fun again (added 2019-06-26)
- Another Book on Data Science (added 2019-06-21)
- And voilà! – Jupyter Blog (added 2019-06-12)
- What the Royal Astronomical Society in 1884 Tells Us About Python Today · Types & Times (added 2019-06-02)
- Replacing Google Analytics with GoAccess (added 2019-05-11)
- Princeton University Python Community (added 2019-05-09)
- thblt/write-yourself-a-git: Learn Git by reimplementing it from scratch (added 2019-03-14)
- Wigner3j (Python) | SHTOOLS - Tools for working with spherical harmonics (added 2019-03-07)
- Parallel Programming with MPI For Python - Research Computing in Earth Sciences (added 2019-03-07)
- Tutorial — MPI for Python 3.0.1 documentation (added 2019-03-07)
- Wigner Symbols — SymPy 1.3 documentation (added 2019-03-07)
- python - How to Bootstrap numpy installation in setup.py - Stack Overflow (added 2019-03-07)
- 2. Writing the Setup Script — Python 3.7.2 documentation (added 2019-03-07)
- distutils - Translate F2PY compile steps into setup.py - Stack Overflow (added 2019-03-07)
- pypa/pipenv: Python Development Workflow for Humans. (added 2019-02-09)
- ajschumacher.github.io/gaussian_processes.ipynb at master · ajschumacher/ajschumacher.github.io (added 2019-01-05)
- Gaussian Processes are Not So Fancy (added 2019-01-04)
- pampy/README.md at master · santinic/pampy (added 2018-12-17)
- Free Hotel Wifi with Python and Selenium · Gokberk Yaltirakli (added 2018-12-13)
- PySyft/examples/tutorials at master · OpenMined/PySyft (added 2018-12-04)
- karan/Projects-Solutions: Links to others’ solutions to Projects (https://github.com/karan/Projects/) (added 2018-11-21)
- Cobaya, a code for Bayesian analysis in Cosmology — cobaya 1.0.3 documentation (added 2018-11-15)
- Using a Keras Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Model to Predict Stock Prices (added 2018-11-09)
- Deep_Learning_Project-Pytorch (added 2018-10-25)
- Announcing Camelot, a Python Library to Extract Tabular Data from PDFs - SocialCops (added 2018-10-12)
- Asterisks in Python: what they are and how to use them - Trey Hunner (added 2018-10-12)
- TheAlgorithms/Python: All Algorithms implemented in Python (added 2018-09-23)
- scikit-hep/root_pandas: A Python module for conveniently loading/saving ROOT files as pandas DataFrames (added 2017-12-25)
- scikit-hep/uproot: Minimalist ROOT I/O in pure Python and Numpy. (added 2017-12-25)
- Welcome to Pyrame’s documentation! — Pyrame documentation (added 2017-11-20)
- pypa/twine: Utilities for interacting with PyPI (added 2017-11-12)
- nemanja-m/gaps: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Solver for Jigsaw Puzzles (added 2017-09-21)
- dmulholland/ivy: A minimalist static website generator built in Python. (added 2017-07-28)
- Deep_Learning_Project (added 2017-07-17)
- Seashells (added 2017-07-11)
- Understanding Support Vector Machine via Examples | Sadanand’s Notes (added 2017-07-09)
- Sultan — Sultan 0.5.1 documentation (added 2017-06-12)
- mpld3 — Bringing Matplotlib to the Browser (added 2017-05-16)
- ibab/root_pandas: A Python module for conveniently loading/saving ROOT files as pandas DataFrames (added 2017-05-08)
- From Python to Numpy (added 2017-01-09)
- Tutoriel Matplotlib (added 2016-09-28)
- A bite of Python (added 2016-09-08)
- Scipy Lecture Notes — Scipy lecture notes (added 2016-07-29)
- scikit-learn: machine learning in Python — scikit-learn 0.17.1 documentation (added 2016-07-03)
- rasbt/python-machine-learning-book: The “Python Machine Learning” book code repository and info resource (added 2016-06-11)
- donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks: Continually updated data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines. (added 2016-05-09)
- karldray/quantum: Simulate reverse causality using quantum suicide. (added 2016-03-24)
- reubano/meza: A Python toolkit for processing tabular data (added 2016-02-01)
- Python Programming for the Humanities by Folgert Karsdorp (added 2016-01-05)
- Python module to allow for easy creation of a google maps HTML file (added 2015-12-31)
- tqdm - A fast, extensible progress bar for Python (added 2015-12-25)
- A python script for monitoring the output of other terminals and processes (added 2015-12-21)
- forflo/PiFo: Pidgin message formatter (added 2016-02-04)
- A super-easy way to get BibTeX entries (added 2015-12-05)
- Pseudomanifold/latex-mimosis: A minimal & modern LaTeX template for your (bachelor’s | master’s | doctoral) thesis (added 2019-07-16)
- The Tectonic Typesetting System (added 2017-06-01)
- chrisanthropic/Open-Publisher: Using Jekyll to create outputs that can be used as Pandoc inputs. In short - input markdown, output mobi, epub, pdf, and print-ready pdf. (added 2016-04-08)
- Hacking with LaTeX | Sebastian Neef - 0day.work (added 2016-03-10)
- Metropolis beamer theme (added 2015-12-09)
- Emacs Bootstrap (added 2020-03-05)
- Doc-org: org-mode + latex + docker = pdf : emacs (added 2020-02-27)
- shg/org-inline-pdf.el: Inline PDF previewing for Org (added 2021-01-05)
- DarkBuffalo/ox-report: Export your org file to minutes report PDF file (added 2020-09-30)
- Create a stylesheet for your OpenDocument files, and inline the XML definitions right in your Org file–Think HTML_HEAD, or HTML_HEAD_EXTRA but for ODT / DOCX files – Emacs Notes (added 2020-06-21)
- ahyatt/emacs-calc-tutorials: A series of tutorials about emacs-calc (added 2019-02-07)
- zck / zpresent.el — Bitbucket (added 2019-02-06)
- Emacs: Upcase Sentences (added 2018-11-02)
- Make emacs open files at specific line numbers as outputted by grep and other shell commands : emacs (added 2018-10-31)
- bokeh and Emacs org-mode (added 2017-11-05)
- io12/org-fragtog: Automatically toggle org-mode latex fragment previews as the cursor enters and exits them (added 2020-02-04)
- jessekelly881/Rethink: Another in the line of beautiful css themes for org exports using professional web development techniques. Targeted at clean, technical content. (added 2020-01-15)
- jessekelly881/Imagine: A theme for org mode exports using professional web development techniques. Designed to be simple but also creative. (added 2020-01-15)
- #:acid ‘words: Handle Chromium & Firefox sessions with org-mode (added 2019-12-05)
- 2019-07-24: All Things Org-Mode - Multiple Speakers - YouTube (added 2019-09-25)
- dangom/org-thesis: Writing a Ph.D. thesis with Org Mode (added 2019-07-16)
- Markdown in Org-mode | Irreal (added 2019-05-16)
- Multiline fontification with org-emphasis-alist (added 2019-01-10)
- Write a PhD thesis with org-mode (added 2018-11-21)
- org mode - Config, examples and use cases of Library Of Babel - Emacs Stack Exchange (added 2018-10-22)
- wasamasa/nov.el: Major mode for reading EPUBs in Emacs (added 2017-09-08)
- Using Emacs as a C++ IDE · (or emacs (added 2017-03-29)
- Mathematical Notation in Emacs · Eric Kaschalk (added 2017-02-20)
- Solved: Using Emacs to minify js and css : emacs (added 2016-12-21)
- domtronn/all-the-icons.el: A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within Emacs. (added 2016-10-04)
- bastibe/annotate.el: Annotate.el (added 2016-09-28)
- rails-to-cosmos/danneskjold-theme: Beautiful high-contrast emacs theme (added 2016-03-22)
- Image tooltips in Emacs (added 2016-03-22)
- Spotlight: use-package, a declarative configuration tool (added 2016-03-19)
- Open a recent directory in dired: revisited (added 2016-02-23)
- Flexible isearch without a package (added 2015-12-31)
- Introduction to org-ref (added 2015-12-22)
- Writing Python Docstrings with yasnippet/Emacs (added 2015-12-22)
- Using Rsync when Tramp is too much (added 2015-12-06)
- Naming and saving macros for repetitive tasks (added 2015-12-06)
- Emacs auto-completion for non-programmers | Chen’s blog (added 2015-12-01)
- Mail in Emacs with mu4e and mbsync | jherrlin (added 2020-07-23)
- bandresen/mu4e-send-delay: Schedule mails inside mu4e to allow for “undo send” (added 2016-10-17)
- Migrating from offlineimap to mbsync for mu4e (added 2016-05-03)
- mbork/message: mbork’s helper functions for Emacs’ message-mode (added 2016-02-06)
- Get mail with mu4e with offlineimap and encrypted password? : emacs (added 2016-02-01)
- Mail Aliases (added 2016-01-03)
- email - Creating a contact group from a local file to use with mu4e (added 2016-01-02)
- mu4e - Another configuration (added 2015-12-25)
- mu configuration sample (added 2015-12-22)
- Drowning in Email; mu4e to the Rescue. (added 2015-12-02)
- Exporting org-mode to Jupyter notebooks (added 2017-10-10)
- Blogging with org-mode and Gitlab Pages (added 2017-10-02)
- Export org-mode headlines to separate files | Pragmatic Emacs (added 2017-03-16)
- cute-jumper/org-table-sticky-header: Sticky header for org-mode tables (added 2017-02-21)
- Creating slides with Emacs org-mode and Reveal.js · Open Source Musings (added 2017-02-18)
- gregsexton/ob-ipython: org-babel integration with Jupyter for evaluation of (Python by default) code blocks (added 2016-12-31)
- vkazanov/toy-orgfuse: Orgfuse is a small Python utility allowing to mount org-mode files as FUSE filesystems (added 2016-11-28)
- How I Created this Blog · A Scripter’s Notes (added 2016-10-14)
- Image display size in Org (added 2016-08-27)
- thi-ng/org-spec: Org-mode skeleton for technical specifications & HTML theme (added 2016-08-01)
- orgminimal.tizi.moe (added 2016-07-25)
- Using Tufte CSS and org-page (added 2016-07-12)
- Tidy data in Org (added 2016-07-05)
- snosov1/toc-org: toc-org is an Emacs utility to have an up-to-date table of contents in the org files without exporting (added 2016-07-03)
- semk/Org2OPML: Converts Emacs Org-mode files to OPML format used by Mindnode and Freemind (added 2016-03-22)
- caffo/org-minimal-html-theme: Simple and beautiful orgmode HTML export theme (added 2016-03-15)
- Specify sidewaystable placement in Org-mode export (added 2016-03-07)
- Help: org-mode + babel “templating” : emacs (added 2016-02-25)
- Calling remote code-blocks in org-mode (added 2016-02-11)
- tsdye/tufte-org-mode: An Org mode environment for producing Tufte-LaTeX books and handouts (added 2016-02-07)
- robrohan/bestowed: Extremely simple presentation (ppt, keynote, etc) framework for org-mode export (added 2016-01-28)
- marsmining/ox-twbs: Export org-mode docs as HTML compatible with Twitter Bootstrap. (added 2016-01-22)
- Pimp Up Your Org-mode Files – thraxys (added 2016-01-19)
- Conflicts with CUA mode - The Org Manual (added 2016-01-14)
- noweb-ref - The Org Manual (added 2015-12-23)
- Asynchronous Python in Org Mode (added 2015-12-02)
- Home | Zim: Modular, customizable, and blazing fast Zsh framework (added 2022-04-10)
- 5 Types Of ZSH Aliases You Should Know (added 2020-05-26)
- Combining zsh history files | Random Stuff About Stuff (added 2020-01-04)
- [[https://0x0f0f0f.github.io/posts/2019/11/really-fast-markov-chains-in-~20-lines-of-sh-grep-cut-and-awk/][Really fast Markov chains in ~20 lines of sh, grep, cut and awk
- 0x0f0f0f]] (added 2019-11-10)
- iridakos - Creating a bash completion script (added 2018-09-24)
- Summon by cyberark (added 2017-12-24)
- Multi word history search for Zsh (added 2016-06-22)
- Ztrace (added 2016-06-22)
- d’Oh My Zsh (added 2016-03-24)
- khtdr/pageboy: pound bang get going repeat (added 2016-02-20)
- A bittorent filesystem based on FUSE (added 2016-01-02)
- Config manager based on Git (added 2016-01-01)
- Alightweight workspace manager for the shell (added 2015-12-15)
- Bash/zsh history in the cloud (added 2015-12-08)
- Quick command line file completion (added 2015-12-01)
- How Quantum Theory Is Inspiring New Math | Quanta Magazine (added 2017-03-31)
- Time Bandits - The New Yorker (added 2016-10-13)
- The Difference Between Rationality and Intelligence - The New York Times (added 2016-10-11)
- A Debate Over the Physics of Time | Quanta Magazine (added 2016-10-11)
- On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (added 2016-07-27)
- Has Physics Gotten Something Really Important Really Wrong? (added 2016-07-10)
- Introduction to neutrino oscillations (video) (added 2016-07-03)
- Relativistic-microwave theory of ball lightning : Scientific Reports (added 2016-07-03)
- Physicists Hunt For The Big Bang’s Triangles (added 2016-07-03)
- In Newly Created Life-Form, A Major Mystery (added 2016-07-03)
- Electron-Eating Microbes Found In Odd Places (added 2016-07-03)
- « Lucky, Brioche et moi », une incroyable fable ukrainienne dans la guerre (added 2024-06-07)
- My Youtube earnings | Brick Experiment Channel (added 2023-01-03)
- tobetz/LegoMicroscope: To learn about optics and microscopy, we generated a simple to build lego microscope that does not need precision optics and 3D printed parts. (added 2021-04-23)
- Home Assistant (added 2019-11-29)
- Fold N Fly ✈ (added 2018-10-19)
- Hexatrek : The long distance thru hike in France (added 2023-04-01)
- Le Tour Paris-Saclay 2021 - Paris Saclay (added 2021-09-12)
- Les boucles de la Juine – VTT Renault Lardy (added 2021-09-12)
- ETAPAS – cala d’or ferrobikers (added 2021-09-01)
- Gravel Locos (added 2021-09-01)
- Montañas Vacías – Bikepacking Spanish Lapland (added 2021-08-30)