Tools for analyze profiler log data.
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With this tool, you can analyze the binary log of "Unity Profiler". For example, generate csv files that shows Samples allocating many Managed Heap from "Unity Profiler" binary log.
2019.4 / 2020.3
Call "Tools->UTJ->ProfilerReader->AnalyzeToCsv" and then this window will be displayed.
1.Set Profiler log file.
2.Set Conditions to search samples.
3.Execute Analyze
4.The results are here
5.Write the results to csv file.
Call "Tools->UTJ->ProfilerReader->AnalyzeToCsv" and then this window will be displayed.
This tool generate summarized csv files.
1.Select the categories to generate csv files.
2.Set Profler log File.
3.Execute Analyze
Unity.exe -batchMode -projectPath "ProjectPath" -logFile .\Editor.log -executeMethod UTJ.ProfilerReader.CUIInterface.ProfilerToCsv -PH.inputFile "Binary logFile(.data/.raw)" -PH.timeout 2400 -PH.log
And some csv file will be generated at subfolder for binary data.
This tool generate csv files with footer name.
These are samples.
The CPU stats by category in each fraemes.
The list that shows "GC.Alloc".
The list of "GC.Alloc" and with Callstackinfo.
The list about GPU status in each frames .
The list about CPU Samples.
The list about Memory status in each frames .
The list about Rendering status in each frames .
The list about RenderThread status in each frames .
The list about threads status in each frames .
The list that shows Shader Compiling.
The list about GPU for Universal RP.
The list about workerThread status.
- "xxx_jitInfos.csv"
The list of callstack symbol infos.( should enable "Profiler.enableAllocationCallstacks").