
My personal goals for the rest of the year

Personal Goals

Personal goals made open source.

Why? Spending the time to get shit done. I'm open sourcing these goals for accessibility across computers I use, transparency, accountability, and versioning.

Overarching Goals

  1. Draw every day
  2. Write at least 1 coding blog posts per week
  3. Get better at Angular2
  4. Get better at Wordpress
  5. Learn about pencil drawing techniques
  6. Be kind

November 7, 2016

This Week's Goal: Recover mental strength and Draw

Things I'll Do This Week:

  • UI kit
  • One book
  • Buy a drying rack

October 24, 2016

This Week's Goal: Fight The Docs

Things I'll Do This Week:

  • Find place to live in Prague
  • Write one personal post
  • Write one coding post
  • Post 5 drawings on my instagram/tumblr account
  • Finish Le Petit Prince

October 17, 2016

This Week's Goal: Be Awesome.

Things I'll Do This Week:

  • Write a blog post about ng2-graphs
  • Write one personal post
  • Buy new sketchbook

Things I'll Do This Month: October 2016

  • Finish Zeit zu Leben. Zeit zu Sterben
  • Go to multiday event at work
  • Find place to live in Prague
  • Finish sketchbook


  • Learn unit testing in JavaScript

Backlog: Code Things I Want to Do/Play With

  1. Jasmin, Karma