
External shellcode wrapper using naked functions to automatically generate payloads

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


External shellcode library that uses naked function wrappers to generate a callable function sub, tested to compile and run on x86 msvc

Aka, a really really easy way to call functions externally

(currently only supports x86 architecture and cdecl and stdcall calling conventions)

Incredibly simple to use (currently void return stubs aren't supported, pass as int):

auto roblox = std::make_unique<xg_process>(L"RobloxPlayerBeta.exe");
auto spawn = roblox->create_sub<int>(roblox->format(0x72b6e0));

Example with retcheck:

auto roblox = std::make_unique<xg_process>(L"RobloxPlayerBeta.exe");
auto newthread = roblox->create_sub<uintptr_t>(roblox->copy_fn(roblox->format(0x11f1470)));
const auto state = newthread(global);


xg_process(const TCHAR*);

Constructor of xg_process accepts the name of the process to be loaded xg_process needs to be an xg_process pointer (xg_process) or function calling won't work*

uintptr_t xg_process->format(const uintptr_t) const;

Rebases an address to the selected processes module base (assuming ida base is at 0x400000, custom base on todo list)

uintptr_t xg_process->copy_fn(uintptr_t);

Copies a function from the external process to a newly allocated section of memory and removes Roblox's return check

template<class RetType>
g_func<RetType> xg_process->create_sub<RetType>(uintptr_t);

Creates a simple wrapper class that overloads operator () to be able to call external functions with ease


Dynamically creates shellcode based on the number of args, and argument types. Currently only supports bool, uintptr_t, const char, and int*

To reiterate,

Only argument types bool, uintptr_t, const char, and int are currently supported for function calling*

xg_process must be a xg_process*

Currently only supports __cdecl and __stdcall calling conventions

Deserialize example:

auto roblox = std::make_unique<xg_process>(L"RobloxPlayerBeta.exe");

auto newthread = roblox->create_sub<uintptr_t>(roblox->copy_fn(roblox->format(0x11f1470)));

auto spawn = roblox->create_sub<int>(roblox->format(0x72b6e0));

auto deserialize_helper = roblox->create_sub<bool>(roblox->format(0x11fc1f0));

bool deserialize(const uintptr_t rl, const char* chunkname, const char* bytecode, const size_t sz)
	const auto bytecode_alloc = roblox->alloc_string(bytecode, sz); // needed because currently doesn't accept const char* with non strlen size
	return deserialize_helper(rl, chunkname, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(bytecode_alloc), sz);

int main()
	const auto script_context = roblox->sig_scan("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC8\x15\x00\x00", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") - 0x10;
	const auto state = script_context + 164 + 56 * 0 - roblox->read<uintptr_t>(script_context + 164 + 56 * 0);
	const auto new_thread = newthread(state);
	deserialize(new_thread, "test123", bytecode, bytecode_size);
	return 1;