after importing the file, use the following to get the proxy pool.
the variable res will be a list of strings, the strings will have the format like 'https://111.222.333.444:1234'. This process fetches some proxies from internet and local file and then test if they are still available.
Or if you do not want to test the proxies but just use the proxies in the local file. Set the update parameter as False as following:
notes: install progressbar2 but not progressbar A SSLCertVerificationError might be thrown, but it does not affect the result of the program.
这个res是一个string的list。string的形式如:'https://111.222.333.444:1234'。 这个过程会从网络上下载一些代理ip然后和本地保存的代理ip一起测试,看它们是否还都是可用的。
注意安装的是progressbar2而不是progressbar 程序过程中会有SSLCertVerificationError被扔出来,这个不影响程序的结果。