
Notes for the Keycloak/CRDB inquiry


let's start with the xgp/crdb-legacy branch in my fork of the keycloak repo: https://github.com/xgp/keycloak/tree/xgp/crdb-legacy


get a crdb "serverless" account in your region https://cockroachlabs.cloud/signup?referralId=web_getstartedcrdb_serverless_org

testing keycloak(quarkus) startup

in the keycloak repo:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

(once you have done a full build, you can just rebuild what you are working on and then run a mvn clean install -DskipTests in quarkus/dist/)

in another work directory:

rm -rf keycloak-999-SNAPSHOT/
cp $KEYCLOAK_REPO/quarkus/dist/target/keycloak-999-SNAPSHOT.zip .
unzip keycloak-999-SNAPSHOT.zip
cd keycloak-999-SNAPSHOT/
./bin/kc.sh --verbose start-dev --db=cockroach --db-username=uuuu --db-password=xxxx --db-url=jdbc:postgresql://free-tier13.aws-eu-central-1.cockroachlabs.cloud:26257/defaultdb?options=--cluster%3Dkeycloak-test-658 --transaction-xa-enabled=false --db-pool-min-size=0

change to your crdb serverless db-url

because of the failure, the database gets in a bad state, you need to run delete-from-kc-tables-17.0.1.sql in your database between runs, and optionally drop-all-kc-tables-17.0.1.sql if you want to clear the schema (to force keycloak bootstrap to run liquibase migration from scratch).

other notes

how to do a sql dump from postgres in a docker container

docker exec 9be8a523659e pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only -U keycloak keycloak >backup