
Mousika: Enable General In-Network Intelligence in Programmable Switches by Knowledge Distillation (INFOCOM22 & ToN23)

Primary LanguagePython

Mousika Series of In-Network Intelligence in INFOCOM22 and ToN23

More information about us https://xgr19.github.io

This repository consists of two branches, the "main" branch provides the demo code of generating distilled BDT from RF and then installing it to switches, "Mousikav2" branch provides the whole distillation codes in the extended ToN version.

We hope that our another In-network intelligence work Soter would be also helpful for you.

Code Architecture

-- Distillation
	-- code
		-- train_teacher.py(train the teacher model)
		-- bdt_test.py(an example for distilling the model from teacher model to BDT)
		-- dt_test.py(train DT model)
		-- SoftTree.py(the class of soft DT, which supports tree distillation)
		-- Tree.py(the original DT)
		-- utils.py(include the load-data function)
		-- Dataset/(univ.zip is the flow size prediction task dataset, both 
			the continuous feature 'univ_C' and binary feature 'univ' are stored here)
		-- models/(teacher model)
		-- result_acc/
		-- rule_tree/(store rules.txt of bdt_test.py)
-- rule2entry
	-- code
		-- rule2entry.py(convert rule of DT to ternary entry of P4 table)
		-- entry2dataplane.py(load ternary entry and send to P4 dataplane)
	-- output
	    -- rule_tree/(copy Distillation/rule_tree/*.txt to here)
	    -- ternary_entry/(generated P4 tale entries from rules.txt)

-- P4
    -- flowcontrol.p4(implementation of P4 data plane)

Run Decision Trees

Training the BDT model, this script outputs the results of sdt(BDT with distillation) and bdt(BDT without distillation):

python bdt_test.py

Training the DT model, this script outputs the results of DT:

python dt_test.py

Run P4 Program

compile P4 code: flowcontrol.p4 under your p4 path of a Barefoot tofino switch

cd $SDE/pkgsrc/p4-build
./configure --prefix=$SDE_INSTALL --with-tofino --with-bf-runtime P4_NAME=flowcontrol P4_PATH= <your p4 path> P4_VERSION=p4-16 P4C=p4c --enable-thrift
make install

run the compiled P4 program

cd $SDE
./run_switchd.sh -p flowcontrol

convert rule of BDT/distilled BDT to ternary entry of P4 table

cd rule2entry/code
python rule2entry.py

load ternary entry and send to P4 data plane

mv rule2entry/code/entry2dataplane.py /root/static_entry/
cd $SDE
./run_p4_tests.sh -t /root/static_entry/