This is hw1 of cs385. The homework is based on the xv6 system and one function(divide) is added to the exsiting Linux system. The homework requirement can be found here: The divide command can be used to perform division of two positive integers. ## Usage divide input1 input2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xv6 is a re-implementation of Dennis Ritchie's and Ken Thompson's Unix Version 6 (v6). xv6 loosely follows the structure and style of v6, but is implemented for a modern x86-based multiprocessor using ANSI C. xv6-64 is a 64-bit port of MIT's xv6, by Anthony Shelton and Jakob Eriksson, for use in UIC's Operating Systems curriculum. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xv6 is inspired by John Lions's Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition (Peer to Peer Communications; ISBN: 1-57398-013-7; 1st edition (June 14, 2000)). See also, which provides pointers to on-line resources for v6. xv6 borrows code from the following sources: JOS (asm.h, elf.h, mmu.h, bootasm.S, ide.c, console.c, and others) Plan 9 (entryother.S, mp.h, mp.c, lapic.c) FreeBSD (ioapic.c) NetBSD (console.c) The following people have made contributions: Russ Cox (context switching, locking), Cliff Frey (MP), Xiao Yu (MP), Nickolai Zeldovich, Austin Clements, Anthony Shelton and Jakob Eriksson (64-bit). The code in the files that constitute xv6 is Copyright 2006-2017 Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, Russ Cox, Anthony Shelton and Jakob Eriksson. ERROR REPORTS If you spot errors or have suggestions for improvement, please send email to Jakob Eriksson (, or Frans Kaashoek and Robert Morris (kaashoek, If you have suggestions for improvements, please keep in mind that the main purpose of xv6 is as a teaching operating system. For example, we are in particular interested in simplifications and clarifications, instead of suggestions for new systems calls, more portability, etc. BUILDING AND RUNNING XV6 To build xv6 on an x86 ELF machine (like Linux or FreeBSD), run "make". On non-x86 or non-ELF machines (like OS X, even on x86), you will need to install a cross-compiler gcc suite capable of producing x86 ELF binaries. See Then run "make TOOLPREFIX=i386-jos-elf-". To run xv6, install the QEMU PC simulators. To run in QEMU, run "make qemu". To create a typeset version of the code, run "make xv6.pdf". This requires the "mpage" utility. See