
An all-purpose government simulator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An all-purpose government simulator.

Development Routine

Currently we're in the ED stage (not all function presents, but only a few). Next-step plans are:

  • Stability Improvement
  • Add load-save function and data management
  • Allow users to set custom simulation rate
  • TODO: Use IPC instead of Queue.Queue


Currently in the Early Development stage:

# Download required Libraries
pip install ticking

# Clong repository
git clone [Repository URL]

# Run the program
cd Utopia/
python utopia.py --help

# Usage: python utopia.py [--content-dir ./content/default] [--simulation-speed NORMAL] [--force-new-simulation true]


This simulator is licensed under the MITv3 License.


Suggest new content mailto:haoji.xu@outlook.com for more information.

Open an issue if encountering bugs, and suggesting performance improvement. Do Not open an issue to suggest new content!