
EfficientNet-L2 weights in Keras and retrieval script modified from qubvel/efficientnet

Primary LanguagePython


Code modified/retrieved from:

Please see respective license for more details.


Here's how you can get the weights:


First, make sure to have the library and download the weights:

pip install efficientnet
wget https://github.com/xhlulu/keras-efficientnet-l2/releases/download/data/efficientnet-l2_noisy-student.h5
wget https://github.com/xhlulu/keras-efficientnet-l2/releases/download/data/efficientnet-l2_noisy-student_notop.h5

For tensorflow>=2.4.0:

import efficientnet.keras as efn 

model = efn.EfficientNetL2(weights="./efficientnet-l2_noisy-student_notop.h5", include_top=False)
# or
model = efn.EfficientNetL2(weights="./efficientnet-l2_noisy-student.h5", include_top=True)

For tensorflow<=2.3.1, there's a bug that would cause the L2 model to not load correctly. To use it, apply the following hack:

model = efn.EfficientNetL2(
  drop_connect_rate=0  # the hack

However, this will modify the behavior of the model so you will need to be careful when using this.