
MineMeld extension to process CSV files published as Microsoft Articles

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Extension to process CSV documents referenced in MS Aticles.


The extension provides you with an example prototype to grab the Microsoft Public IP address space published in the article at the url https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=53602

Use the prototype MSArticle.msPublicSpace directly or as a base for your prototypes.

  • Mandatory configuration attributes
    • url
  • Optional configuration attributes (inherited from CSVFT -> BasePollerFT class)
    • polling_timeout
    • ignore_regex
    • fieldnames
    • delimiter
    • doublequote
    • escapechar
    • quotechar
    • skipinitialspace


Add it as an external extension as introduced in MineMeld 0.9.32

Use the git option with the URL of this repository ( https://github.com/xhoms/minemeld-msarticle )