MACROSCORE project at ISI - Micro Feature Extraction direction

Primary LanguagePython

Directories (sorted by names)

├── CORD-19-research-challenge (Newly added data)
├── data
│   └── SCORE_json.json (Metadata for the TA1 papers)
├── data_processed
│   ├── conll_format.py (input: train.txt, test.txt, output: eng.train.src ...)
│   ├── raw_all*.txt    (un-annotated data for predicting; raw_all: TA1 papers)
│   ├── train.txt, test.txt    (annotated TA1 data for training & testing)
│   └── data.json       (intermedia file)
├── flair_models        (saved flair models & training logs)
├── flair_pred          (predictions)
├── glove               (glove embeddings)
├── logs                (model evaluation logs)
├── pdfs                (TA1 papers and RPP papers in pdf)
├── tagtog
│   ├── annotated       (annotated TA1 papers)
│   ├── plain.html*     (papers parsed from PDF using tagtog)
│   ├── text*           (paper text extracted from plain.html*)
│   └── tokenized*      (tokenized paper text from text*)
└── xml                 (TA1 papers in xml)

Scripts (sorted by order of execution)

├── read_tagtog.py      (process tagtog/plain.html* into tagtog/text* and tagtog/tokenized*)
├── process_annotations.py  (process tagtog/annotated into data_processed/data.json)
├── inspect_annotations.py  (have a glance at the annotations)
├── make_data.py        (process data_processed/data.json into data_processed/train.txt and test.txt)
├── flair*              (scripts for training & evaluating & predicting of the flair models
                         train: data_processed/train.txt, test: test.txt, predict: raw_all*.txt)
├── process_raw.py      (process tagtog/tokenized* into data_processed/raw_all*.txt)
└── extract.py, phrases.py  (old script for automated phrase extraction)

Procedures for building a NER model

  1. Obtain papers in pdf (if papers already parsed, jump to 3.)
  2. Parse pdfs using tagtog (into tagtog/plain.html*)
  3. Run read_tagtog.py to get tokenized text from parsed pdfs
  4. Manually add annotations (put into tagtog/annotated)
  5. Run process_annotations.py to get data_processed/data.json
  6. Run make_data.py to get training & testing data from data_processed/data.json to data_processed/train.txt, test.txt
  7. Run flair_train.py (in flair_run.sh) to train a model
  8. Run flair_eval.py (in flair_run.sh) to test
  9. Run process_raw.py to get data_processed/raw_all*.txt for predicting
  10. Run flair_predict.py to make prediction
  11. Final result is in flair_pred/

Additional notes for flair_predict.py: In this script I first use flair to predict on sentences, then use rule-based method to normalize the prediction (e.g., "R2 = 0.4" -> ["R2", 0.4]; "eighty-six" -> 86). I manually inspect on predictions and summarize patterns of extracted spans (flair_pred/patterns.txt containing good and bad patterns), and then develop methods to process the patterns.

Update 04/13

New request: For TA1, find effect sizes (ES) and p-values (PV) around claim 4 (inferencial test, included in TA1 metadata). I instead calculate its distance (# sentences away) from the nearest claim 4 for every effect size and p-value extracted. Details can be found in the Explanation doc in the Google Drive.

Update 04/20

Added covid_analyze.py for extracting covid-19 papers (vs. papers talking about other coronavirus) Todo:

  1. Ask Jay for the claim annotations for CORD-19 papers
  2. Look into Topic Forest: provides tree-like topics for CORE-19 papers to extract covid-19 related papers (http://topicforest.com/queryterm/covid_19/topictree)
  3. Variable identification on a small subset of CORD: can discuss with Daniel

Update 05/03

Added find_SBS_papers_cord19.py to find CORD19 papers that are similar to TA1 papers (potential SBS papers) Method:

  1. Process TA1 papers for phrase extraction: data_processed/raw_all_autophrase.txt
  2. Use AutoPhrase to extract key phrases from TA1 papers (I only used multi-word phrases)
  3. Compute tf-idf matrices of key phrases for both TA1 and CORD19 papers, then compute cosine similarity: find_SBS_papers_cord19.py
  4. Reorder the CORD19 papers based on cosine similarity: data/CORD19_reordered_with_similarity.csv

Update 05/10

data/new_data.xlsx contains the replicability labels for RPP papers (columns O.within.CI.R, Meta.analysis.significant, and pvalue.label). The Fold_Id column is the default split for cross validation. data/doi_to_file_name_data.json maps DOI of the paper to its file name. RPP_classify_data.py reads the metadata and the text of all (annotated) RPP papers into data_processed/RPP_classify_data.json RPP_classify.py computes paper embeddings by simply aggregating word embeddings and build classifiers based on paper embeddings. The results are in data/RPP_classify_result.csv