internsctl - Custom Linux Command


The internsctl script is a custom Linux command designed for performing various operations related to CPU, memory, users, and files.



Section A

  • man: Displays manual information about the internsctl command, including its name, synopsis, description, options, and available commands.


  • --help: Displays a brief usage message.
  • --version: Displays the version of the internsctl command.


  • cpu getinfo: Retrieves CPU information using lscpu.
  • memory getinfo: Retrieves memory information using free.
  • user create <username>: Creates a new user using adduser.
  • user list: Lists all users, and with the option --sudo-only, lists users with sudo permissions.
  • file getinfo <file>: Retrieves information about a file, including size, permissions, owner, and last modified timestamp.


CPU Information

internsctl cpu getinfo

List Users with Sudo Permissions

internsctl user list --sudo-only

And many more

Images of task performed

All tasks executed successfully.