
Python SDK for interacting with the Xian blockchain network

Primary LanguagePython


Python SDK for interacting with the Xian blockchain network. This library provides comprehensive tools for wallet management, transaction handling, and smart contract interactions.

Table of Contents


Basic installation:

pip install xian-py

With Ethereum support:

pip install "xian-py[eth]"


  • Basic and HD wallet creation and management using Ed25519 cryptography
  • Optional Ethereum address generation from the same HD wallet seed
  • BIP39 mnemonic seed generation and recovery (24 words)
  • BIP32/SLIP-0010 compliant hierarchical deterministic wallets
  • Message signing and verification
  • Two-way message encryption and decryption between sender/receiver
  • Transaction creation, simulation, and broadcasting
  • Smart contract deployment, interaction, and validation
  • Token transfers and balance queries
  • Asynchronous and synchronous transaction submission
  • Read-only contract execution through transaction simulation

Usage Guide

Wallet Management

The SDK provides two types of wallets: basic Wallet and hierarchical deterministic HDWallet.

Basic Wallet Operations

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet

# Create new wallet with random seed
wallet = Wallet()

# Create from existing private key
wallet = Wallet('ed30796abc4ab47a97bfb37359f50a9c362c7b304a4b4ad1b3f5369ecb6f7fd8')

# Access wallet details
print(f'Public Key: {wallet.public_key}')
print(f'Private Key: {wallet.private_key}')

HD Wallet Operations

The HD wallet implementation follows BIP39, BIP32, and SLIP-0010 standards. It can generate both Ed25519 keys for Xian and Secp256k1 keys for Ethereum from the same seed.

from xian_py.wallet import HDWallet

# Create new HD wallet with 24-word mnemonic
hd_wallet = HDWallet()
print(f'Mnemonic: {hd_wallet.mnemonic_str}')

# Create from existing mnemonic
mnemonic = 'dynamic kitchen omit dinosaur found trend video morning oppose staff bid honey...'
hd_wallet = HDWallet(mnemonic)

# Derive Xian wallet
path = [44, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # m/44'/0'/0'/0'/0'
xian_wallet = hd_wallet.get_wallet(path)
print(f'Xian Address: {xian_wallet.public_key}')

# Derive Ethereum wallet (requires ethereum extras)
eth_wallet = hd_wallet.get_ethereum_wallet(0)  # Uses standard Ethereum derivation path
print(f'Ethereum Address: {eth_wallet.public_key}')

# Get multiple Ethereum accounts
eth_wallet2 = hd_wallet.get_ethereum_wallet(1)  # Second account
print(f'Second Ethereum Address: {eth_wallet2.public_key}')

Blockchain Interactions

Token Operations

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet
from xian_py.xian import Xian

# Initialize client
wallet = Wallet()
xian = Xian('http://node-ip:26657', wallet=wallet)

# Check balance
balance = xian.get_balance('address')

# Send tokens with automatic stamp calculation
result = xian.send(amount=10, to_address='recipient_address')

# Check custom token balance
token_balance = xian.get_balance('contract_address', contract='token_contract')

Smart Contract Operations

Contract Deployment and Interaction

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet
from xian_py.xian import Xian

# Initialize client
wallet = Wallet()
xian = Xian('http://node-ip:26657', wallet=wallet)

# Deploy contract
code = '''
def greet(name: str):
    return f"Hello, {name}!"
result = xian.submit_contract('greeting_contract', code)

# Get contract state
state = xian.get_state('contract_name', 'variable_name', 'key')

# Get and decompile contract source
source = xian.get_contract('contract_name', clean=True)

Contract Validation

The SDK supports validating smart contracts against different contract standards:

from xian_py.validator import validate_contract, XianStandard

# Validate contract against XSC001 standard
code = '''
def seed():
    balances = Hash()
    metadata = Hash()
    metadata['token_name'] = 'MyToken'
    metadata['token_symbol'] = 'MTK'
    metadata['token_logo_url'] = 'https://example.com/logo.png'
    metadata['token_website'] = 'https://example.com'
    metadata['operator'] = ctx.caller

def transfer(amount: int, to: str):
    # Transfer implementation
# ... rest of the contract code

# Validate against XSC001 (default)
is_valid, errors = validate_contract(code)

# Validate against a specific standard
is_valid, errors = validate_contract(code, standard=XianStandard.XSC001)

if not is_valid:
    print("Validation errors:", errors)

Transaction Management

High-Level Transaction

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet
from xian_py.xian import Xian

wallet = Wallet()
xian = Xian('http://node-ip:26657', wallet=wallet)

result = xian.send_tx(
        'to': 'recipient',
        'amount': 1000,

Simulated Transactions

The SDK supports transaction simulation for two primary purposes:

  1. Estimating stamp costs before broadcasting a transaction
  2. Executing read-only contract functions without spending stamps

Low-Level Transaction with Transaction Cost Estimation

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet
from xian_py.xian import Xian
from xian_py.transaction import get_nonce, create_tx, simulate_tx, broadcast_tx_sync

# Initialize wallet and client
wallet = Wallet()
node_url = 'http://node-ip:26657'
xian = Xian(node_url, wallet=wallet)

# Prepare transaction payload
payload = {
    "chain_id": xian.get_chain_id(),
    "contract": "currency",
    "function": "transfer",
    "kwargs": {"to": "recipient", "amount": 100},
    "nonce": get_nonce(node_url, wallet.public_key),
    "sender": wallet.public_key,
    "stamps_supplied": 0

# Simulate to get stamp cost
simulated = simulate_tx(node_url, payload)
print(f"Required stamps: {simulated['stamps_used']}")

# Use the simulated stamps in the actual transaction
payload['stamps_supplied'] = simulated['stamps_used']

# Create and broadcast transaction
tx = create_tx(payload, wallet)
result = broadcast_tx_sync(node_url, tx)

Read-Only Contract Execution

You can execute read-only contract functions without spending stamps by using transaction simulation. This is useful for querying contract state or calculating values without modifying the blockchain.

In the payload for a simulated transaction you don't need to specify the following keys:

  • stamps_supplied
  • chain_id
  • nonce
from xian_py.wallet import Wallet
from xian_py.xian import Xian
from xian_py.transaction import simulate_tx

# Initialize client
wallet = Wallet()
node_url = 'http://node-ip:26657'
xian = Xian(node_url, wallet=wallet)

# Prepare read-only query payload
payload = {
    "contract": "token_contract",
    "function": "get_balance",
    "kwargs": {"address": wallet.public_key},
    "sender": wallet.public_key,

# Execute simulation and get result
result = simulate_tx(node_url, payload)
print(f"Balance: {result['result']}")

Cryptography Utilities

The SDK provides comprehensive cryptographic utilities for message signing, verification, and secure communication between parties.

Message Signing and Verification

The SDK supports message signing and verification for both Xian and Ethereum wallets.

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet, HDWallet, EthereumWallet

# Create wallets 
xian_wallet = Wallet()
hd_wallet = HDWallet()
eth_wallet = hd_wallet.get_ethereum_wallet(0)

# Sign and verify with Xian wallet
message = "Important message to verify"
xian_signature = xian_wallet.sign_msg(message)
print(f'Xian signature valid: {xian_wallet.verify_msg(message, xian_signature)}')

# Sign and verify with Ethereum wallet
eth_signature = eth_wallet.sign_msg(message)
print(f'Ethereum signature valid: {eth_wallet.verify_msg(message, eth_signature)}')

# Validate key formats
print(f'Xian key valid: {Wallet.is_valid_key(xian_wallet.public_key)}')
print(f'Ethereum address valid: {EthereumWallet.is_valid_key(eth_wallet.public_key)}')

Two-Way Message Encryption

Messages can be encrypted using the sender's private key and recipient's public key. The encrypted message can then be decrypted by either party using their respective keys.

from xian_py.wallet import Wallet
from xian_py.crypto import encrypt, decrypt_as_sender, decrypt_as_receiver

# Create sender and receiver wallets
sender_wallet = Wallet()
receiver_wallet = Wallet()

# Encrypt message
message = "Secret message"
encrypted = encrypt(

# Decrypt as sender
decrypted_sender = decrypt_as_sender(

# Decrypt as receiver
decrypted_receiver = decrypt_as_receiver(

# Both parties get the original message
assert message == decrypted_sender == decrypted_receiver
print("Message successfully encrypted and decrypted by both parties!")