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Source code for our paper " GraphRXN: A Novel Representation for Reaction Prediction". The code was built based on CMPNN (https://github.com/SY575/CMPNN), DeepReac (https://github.com/bm2-lab/DeepReac), YieldBert (https://github.com/bm2-lab/DeepReac). Thanks a lot for their sharing.

Figure 1. Model architecture of GraphRXN


Figure 2. General workflow of HTE process


Figure 3. Reaction scheme and substrate scope


Figure 4. Distribution of Ratio(UV), where A represents amine, and B represents bromide


Figure 5. The scatter plots of GraphRXN on the entire dataset


Model Performance of three public datasets over ten-fold CV on test set

Dataset Methods R2 MAE RMSE
Dataset1 GraphRXN-concat 0.951 4.30 5.98
Dataset1 GraphRXN-sum 0.937 4.85 6.80
Dataset1 Yield-BERT 0.951 4.00 6.03
Dataset1 DeepReac+ 0.922 5.25 7.54
Dataset2 GraphRXN-concat 0.844 7.94 11.08
Dataset2 GraphRXN-sum 0.838 8.09 11.29
Dataset2 Yield-BERT 0.815 8.13 12.08
Dataset2 DeepReac+ 0.827 8.06 11.65
Dataset3 GraphRXN-concat 0.892 0.16 0.23
Dataset3 GraphRXN-sum 0.881 0.18 0.24
Dataset3 Yield-BERT 0.886 0.16 0.24
Dataset3 DeepReac+ 0.853 0.18 0.25

Model performance of in-house dataset over 5-fold CV on test set

Groupe Size methods R2 MAE RMSE
Entire 1558 GraphRXN-concat 0.713 0.06 0.09
Entire 1558 GraphRXN-sum 0.704 0.06 0.09
Entire 1558 Yield-BERT 0.645 0.10 0.07
Entire 1558 DeepReac+ 0.610 0.07 0.10
G1 317 GraphRXN-concat 0.661 0.08 0.11
G1 317 GraphRXN-sum 0.462 0.11 0.14
G1 317 Yield-BERT 0.718 0.07 0.10
G1 317 DeepReac+ 0.551 0.09 0.13
G2 419 GraphRXN-concat 0.629 0.05 0.07
G2 419 GraphRXN-sum 0.592 0.06 0.07
G2 419 Yield-BERT 0.512 0.06 0.08
G2 419 DeepReac+ 0.528 0.06 0.08
G3 401 GraphRXN-concat 0.802 0.06 0.08
G3 401 GraphRXN-sum 0.775 0.06 0.08
G3 401 Yield-BERT 0.785 0.06 0.08
G3 401 DeepReac+ 0.745 0.07 0.09
G4 421 GraphRXN-concat 0.459 0.08 0.12
G4 421 GraphRXN-sum 0.419 0.09 0.12
G4 421 Yield-BERT 0.503 0.08 0.11
G4 421 DeepReac+ 0.23 0.10 0.14

Quick start


conda env create -f GraphRXN.yaml ### Create GraphRXN env
conda activate GraphRXN
python reaction_train.py  --data_path data_scaler/Buchward-Hartwig/random_split/FullCV_01_train_temp_scaler.csv
                          --separate_test_path data_scaler/Buchward-Hartwig/random_split/FullCV_01_test_temp_scaler.csv
                          --dataset_type regression 
                          --num_folds 1 
                          --gpu 0 
                          --epochs 100 
                          --batch_size 128 
                          --save_dir ./result/Buchward/concat_01_temp
                          --metric r2 
                          --reaction_agg_method concat
Note: If choosing summation aggregation method, please specify --reaction_agg_method sum


cd DeepReac
conda env create -f DeepReact.yaml ### Create DeepReac+ env
conda activate DeepReact
### train and predict
python DeepReac_train.py -train data_scaler/Buchward-Hartwig/random_split/FullCV_01_train_temp_scaler.csv
                         -test data_scaler/Buchward-Hartwig/random_split/FullCV_01_test_temp_scaler.csv
                         -epochs 100
                         -stats ./result_scaler/Buchward_01_test_stats.csv


cd Yield-BERT
conda env create -f rxnyields.yaml ### create Yield-BERT env
conda activate rxnyields

cd yield-BERT_baseline

### For Dataset 1 (Buchwald) training
python launch_buchwald_hartwig_training.py

### For Dataset 2 (Suzuki) training
python lauch_suzuki_miyaura_training.py

### For Dataset 3 (Denmark) training
python data3_training_10cv.py

### For in-house dataset training
python inhouse_data_transform.py