CentrePoint (V3) API Documentation


The CentrePoint API was developed to provide other software systems a web interface to the study admin web portal. The API provides access to the same core study and de-identified subject data that can be accessed within CentrePoint.

API Base URL: https://api.actigraphcorp.com

Authorization Base URL: https://auth.actigraphcorp.com

Enabling API Access

Please contact ActiGraph for more information.


The CentrePoint API uses OAuth 2.0 for its authorization flow.

Refer to the Authorization section for specifics and examples.

API Resources

CentrePoint (General)

  • Retrieval of information about CentrePoint studies to which you have access. (see Studies)
  • Retrieval of information about sites in a CentrePoint study. (see Sites)
  • Adding, editing, and retrieving information about subjects in a CentrePoint study. (see Subjects)
  • Retrieval of information about activity monitors in a CentrePoint study. (see Activity Monitors)
  • Creating, ending, and retrieving information about subject activity monitor assignments. (see Subject Activity Monitor Assignment Workflow and Assignments)
  • Retrieving information about uploads for a CentrePoint subject. (see Uploads)
  • Retrieval of information about milestones in a CentrePoint study. (see Study Milestones)
  • Retrieval of listing of webhook events. (see Webhook Events)
  • Retrieval of a list of the webhook subscriptions for a particular study as well as the history or webhook requests. (see Webhooks)

RAW Sub-second Activity Data Retrieval

  • Generate raw (sub-second) activity data requests to retrieve raw activity data for a given subject. (see Raw Data Activity Requests)

Analytics/Algorithmic Data-Retrieval


This is a JSON API. When sending Http requests you must supply the Content-Type field within the header as “application/json” on PUT and POST operations. If an error occurs, you may receive a text/plain response, e.g. a 400 bad request response indicates you will need to take action.


Any non-HTTPS request will result in a Forbidden response.

Date Formatting

  • All dates will adhere to ISO 8601. So when sending Http requests you must supply the Date field in ISO 8601.
  • Dates in UTC will consist of a the trailing 'Z' character (example: 2016-06-14T20:46:00Z).
  • Dates where the trailing 'Z' is withheld will signify that the date should be interpreted in the subject's timezone.

Request Limiting

This API is request limited. We only allow a certain number of requests. If an API consumer exceeds 10 requests within a second, then the API will block any further requests with a 429 response code.

CentrePoint Integration Guide

To view ALL options/alternatives to integrate with the CentrePoint System, refer to the CentrePoint Integration Guide.