For HackED2019 we decided to create an interactive browser-based story game!
Welcome to Adventure Cat Damion, where the choices you make in the game will affect the story!
Before going into the code, our group wanted to ensure that we had a solid design that would be easy to follow in the implementation steps.
The objective of the hackathon was to create a kid-friendly game, and learn as much React.js as possible.
You can find the flow/design of the script here: wiki
Basic HTML, CSS, JS, Linux, Git.
We need to setup the ReactJS on our machine. I wrote this guide for MacOS.
- Since you are going to use JavaScript for your React development on MacOS, there is no way around Node.js and NPM.
- Download Node.js and NPM.
- Run this line in the terminal : $npm install -g create-react-app.
- You can check its version again on the command line : $create-react-app --version.
- You can use create-react-app by passing the name of your application to it on the command line: $create-react-app my-app.
- Afterward, you can navigate into the project on the command line and start it with npm: $cd my-app/npm start
- Finish set the environment.
I found that yarnlock is good to use than npm
- Using the npm to install the yarn : $npm install -g yarn.
- Using the command to check the version : $yarn -v.
- You can use create-react-app by passing the name of your application to it on the command line : $yarn create react-app my-app
- Afterward, you can navigate into the project on the command line and start it with yarn: $cd my-app/yarn start
my-app (HackED2019)
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── scripts
│ ├── build.js
│ ├── start.js
│ └── test.js
├── scripts
│ ├── env.js
│ ├── paths.js
│ ├── ployfills.js
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── webpackDevServer.config.js
│ └── jest
│ ├── cssTransform.js
│ └── fileTransform.js
├── public
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── index.html
│ └── manifest.json
└── src
├── App.css
├── App.test.js
├── index.css
├── index.html
├── PageS
└── PageF
This file is a dependency package for managing downloads. The "react" library is often used in projects, and "react-dom" (jsx syntax is rendered to dom) The most important command in the project is "start" to start the project, the role of "bulid" is to package the project.
a. favicon.ico
It is the icon on the browser tab, which is also a sign of this project, or it can be said to represent a company logo. Can be replaced.
b. index.html
The entry file of the project, citing the third-party library, can also introduce cdn
is the total container for the project, and all content is stored in this container. This container has one and only one.a.index.js
It is the core content of this project, which is our main work area. Among them, the index.js file is the only interface of the file associated with index.html.
The content structure of index.js: ''' Import React from 'react'; Import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; Import './index.css'; Import App from './App'; Import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';
ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root')); registerServiceWorker();
The purpose of ReactDOM.render() is to render the contents of to the root "root".
The "root" in document.getElementById('root') is "root" in index.html, and refers to the page content. Here, can also write some content (structure, style, logic) is the root component of the entire project, such as:
Hello World
, document.getElementById('root'));You can run the result (provided the local server is started, open localhost: 3000)
However, the reason for being able to reference is the header of the document content, with the import App from './App'; the content is to introduce the content of App.js into the index.js file.
b. App.js:
This class is inherited from the component provided by react, export default App; in order to expose the App, index.js can be referenced. If App.js inherits component, it must be rendered using render. The content of return is similar to the content of the html structure, which is jsx. The jsx syntax is the main syntax of react. The className of the internal div is a class name to distinguish the html syntax. This is the style reference of the div. In this file, you can only use one div container. If you add other content to the div's sibling directory, you will get an error.
className="App" is a style referenced to App.css. Note that the page content style is the principle of proximity, first using the style of App.css, App.css is the style of the component, and index.css is the global style.
There are two ways to render content, the jsx syntax (the default content above) and the React.createElement method.
I think it is really important to make a good structure at the beginning. In the project, you can see we using this api everywhere.
ReactDOM.render is the most basic method of React for converting templates into HTML and inserting the specified DOM nodes. ReactDOM.render(template, targetDOM), this method takes two parameters: the first one is the created template, the outer layer of multiple dom elements needs to be wrapped with a label, such as
Since we already have the scripts and just implement it into code. I designed a simple structure that can allow user click the button and change the page. Also the user can chosse go back to the previous page and next page also a main page. To be more specific, I did it in the PageS and PageF.
Since we did some scripts and we can make the game more and more by adding more pages and adding more page change button. So the game will be continue. Maybe in the future, it can also be a game the user can play with a animation cat. That's the power of React.
(1)How to test? npm test or yarn test Runs the test watcher in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit. (2)How to use npm run build or yarn build? Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
All in all, React is a library I really like because of its efficiency and flexibility. I believe that software engineering exists not for coding, but for creating better products and bringing people a better life. I will continue to learn, including React Native.