
Literacy Training App --Version 2.0 (React + Node.js + MongoDB)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Literacy Training Application -- Version 2.0

Now is on the AWS server: ec2-3-96-206-72.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com

Language, Framework, and Libraries

  1. Language: JavaScript, HTML/CSS
  2. Frontend: React.js, Redux.js, Material-ui
  3. Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Passport.js, Mongoose.js
  4. Database: MongoDB, AWS S3
  5. Dev tools: Postman, Heroku, Google-OAuth2.0

2020.05.16 -V2.0

finish student-side Speed and Sound training parts.

2020.05.17 -V2.1

finish tutpr-side Speed training assignment train, test data operations

2020.05.19 -V2.2

  1. tutor-side speed training assignment number
  2. tutor-side speed training assignment auto generator
  3. tutor-side sound training assignment pa

2020.05.25 - V2.3

  1. Student-side update phoneme training main page
  2. Materials placeholder & reorder the training main page
  3. Implemented the Audio recoding and Upload it into AWS S3, then show on the page

2020.05.26 - v2.4

  1. Update speeding testing part to record the time multiple times and calculate the average speed
  2. Add tutor-side fluency main page, and seperate train, test, assignment data creation page
  3. Built phoneme audio assignment database
  4. Built student-side audio assignment page
  5. Built tutor-side audio assignment loop-up page

2020.05.31 - V2.5

  1. Combine the phoneme separation assignment and audio recording assignment

2020.06.01 - V2.6

  1. Fluency testing assignment is set to be reviewed manually by tutor.
  2. Fluency Weekly assignment works for both students and tutors now
  3. In Fluency Training part, Tutor can check both testing and evaluation assignments.

2020.06.03 - V2.7

  1. Phoneme Assignment, student-side applies the card format.
  2. Phoneme assignment, tutors can review and mark students' assignments.


  1. Create Assignment time Schedule feature.

2020.06.06 - V2.8

  1. All: Show correct and wrong color sign at each answer in all assignments
  2. Speed testing assignment reading speed line chart.
  3. Speed: reading speed chart in evaluation assignment


  1. Speed: change reading speed by each question
  2. Speed: automatically marked by right answers

2020.08.15 __V 3.0

Changing the practise and weekly assignment into one section.

Before, at the student-side, students can do practise as much as they want, and one assignment per week. at the tutor-side, tutors can check students' practise and assignments, and create one assignment per week.

Now, at the student-side, students only can do 2 assignments, each is about 30 minutes. at the tutor-side, tutors just need to check and review students' assignments and modify database questions.

2020.08.17 updates _V 3.0

  1. Combined practise and weekly assignment into one part.
  2. Finished Meaning part.

2020.08.24 updates /_V 3.1

  1. Automatically generate 30-min assignment

2020.08.28 updates _V 3.2

  1. Add Jest testing files
  2. Add Travis CI yaml file and config CI