Extracting user behaviour semantics with Temporal information embedded
- python 3.7
- numpy
- sklearn
- torch 1.7.0+cu110
- Keras 2.3.0
# Prd-Train and insider threat detection:
# MaskedLM +(emb/CLS)
python trans_corpus.py
python robertaLSTM.py
# word2vec + (TextCNN/BiLSTM_ATT/RCNN/Transformer)
python Mygensim.py
python run.py
#Autoregressive models(deeplog)
python ActModel_train.py
- data: the dataset after data preprocessing
- deeplog: the implementation of deeplog model
- model: models architecture and hyperparameter setting
- preTrain: pretrain model
- save_model: save place
- 42cert2Corpus.py: Preprocessing of cert datasets
- robertaLSTM.py: run MaskedLM+LSTM for insider threat detection
- run.py: run training models for insider threat detection
- utils.py: utils for training