Fast and proper treatment of tautomeric state for drug-like molecules is critical in computer-aided drug discovery since the major tautomer of a molecule determines its pharmacophore features and physical properties. We present MolTaut, a tool for the rapid generation of favorable states of drug-like molecules in water. MolTaut works by enumerating possible tautomer states with tautomeric transformation rules, ranking tautomers with their relative internal energies and solvation energies calculated by AI-based models, and generating preferred ionization states according to predicted microscopic pKa. We found that the ranking ability of the AI-based tautomer scoring approach is comparable to the DFT method from which the AI models try to learn. To facilitate the usage of MolTaut, we made a web server, which is available at MolTaut is a handy tool for generating low energy tatuomers when preparing chemical structures in computer-aided drug discovery. Besides, MolTaut can be used for analyzing substitution effect on the tautomeric equilibrium in lead optimization.
- Python 3.6
- openbabel >= 3.0
- numpy 1.18.1
- RDKit 2020.09.1.0
- scipy
- pandas 0.25.3
- freesasa
- pytorch 1.10.2
- pytorch geometric 2.0.3
- torch-scatter 2.0.9
- torch-sparse 0.6.12
- torchani 2.2
- ase 3.22.1
You also can create the python environment by conda configure file:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
If you run torch-sparse with error, please uninstall the package torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric
pip uninstall torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric
and then reinstall them:
pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric -f
Or you can use the environment created by conda-pack, and activate the python env by conda. Some errors may occur when you do from openbabel import pybel
, you just need to reinstall openbabel by conda. The environment file download URL is as fellow:
mkdir solv_env
mv solv_rdkit_2020_env.tar.gz solv_env
cd solv_env
tar -zxvf solv_rdkit_2020_env.tar.gz
source activate bin/active
conda remove openbabel
conda install openbabel -c conda-forge
Or you can use the shell script to install the python environment.
python --help
usage: [-h] [--smi SMI]
[--low_energy_tautomer_cutoff LOW_ENERGY_TAUTOMER_CUTOFF]
[--cutmol CUTMOL] [--num_confs NUM_CONFS] [--ph PH]
[--tph TPH] [--output OUTPUT]
calculate low-energy tautomer for small molecules
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--smi SMI the molecular smiles
--low_energy_tautomer_cutoff LOW_ENERGY_TAUTOMER_CUTOFF
the energy cutoff for low energy
--cutmol CUTMOL determine to frag the molecule
--num_confs NUM_CONFS
the number of conformation for solvation energy
--ph PH the target pH for protonation states generation
--tph TPH pH tolerance for protonation states generation
--output OUTPUT the output SDF file name
These is a example for the MolTaut usage, the ligand is extracted from pdbid 5v7i:
python --smi "Cc1c2c([nH]n1)OC(=C([C@@]2(c3cc(cc(c3)N4CCCC4)C(F)(F)F)C(C)C)C#N)N"
Or you can access the web server of MolTaut--URL