
A standalone version of the readability lib

Primary LanguageHTML


Build Status

A standalone version of the readability library used for Firefox Reader View. Any changes to Readability.js itself should be reviewed by an appropriate Firefox/toolkit peer, such as @gijsk, since these changes will be automatically merged to mozilla-central.


For outstanding issues, see the issue list in this repo, as well as this bug list.

To test local changes to Readability.js, you can use the automated tests. There's a node script to help you create new ones.

Note that because JSDOMParser is restricted to parsing XHTML-compatible input, you will likely need to tweak any input you fetch directly from the internet (e.g. to close <meta> tags). Even if creating a 'readable' version fails, the script will leave the input for you to change. You can then re-run the generate-testcase.js script passing only the test page slug, and it will reuse the altered input. Ideally we should fix the generate-testcase.js script to no longer need this manual pre/post-processing. If you have time to help with this, a pull request would be very welcome!

Please make sure to run eslint against any proposed changes when creating a pull request.


To parse a document, you must create a new Readability object from a URI object and a document object, and then call parse(). Here's an example:

var loc = document.location;
var uri = {
  spec: loc.href,
  host: loc.host,
  prePath: loc.protocol + "//" + loc.host,
  scheme: loc.protocol.substr(0, loc.protocol.indexOf(":")),
  pathBase: loc.protocol + "//" + loc.host + loc.pathname.substr(0, loc.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
var article = new Readability(uri, document).parse();

This article object will contain the following properties:

  • uri: original uri object that was passed to constructor
  • title: article title
  • content: HTML string of processed article content
  • length: length of article, in characters
  • excerpt: article description, or short excerpt from content
  • byline: author metadata
  • dir: content direction

If you're using Readability on the web, you will likely be able to use a document reference from elsewhere (e.g. fetched via XMLHttpRequest, in a same-origin <iframe> you have access to, etc.). Otherwise, you would need to construct such an object using a DOM parser such as jsdom. While this repository contains a parser of its own (JSDOMParser), that is restricted to reading XML-compatible markup and therefore we do not recommend it for general use.

Until #346 is fixed, if you're using jsdom and node (rather than running in a browser), you will need to also ensure a global Node object is available for Readability to use, e.g. like so:

var dom = new JSDOM(html, OPTIONS);
Node = dom.window.Node;
var article = new Readability(uri, dom.window.document).parse();


Readability's parse() works by modifying the DOM. This removes some elements in the web page. You could avoid this by passing the clone of the document object while creating a Readability object.

var documentClone = document.cloneNode(true); 
var article = new Readability(uri, documentClone).parse();   


Please run eslint as a first check that your changes adhere to our style guidelines.

To run the test suite:

$ mocha test/test-*.js

To run a specific test page by its name:

$ mocha test/test-*.js -g 001

To run the test suite in TDD mode:

$ mocha test/test-*.js -w

Combo time:

$ mocha test/test-*.js -w -g 001


Benchmarks for all test pages:

$ npm run perf

Reference benchmark:

$ npm run perf-reference


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