Executable file of the paper Metric-Driven 3D Frame Field Generation
Author: Xianzhong Fang , Email: xzfangcs [at] 163 [dot] com
Compilation Environment: Ubuntu 20.04 (Linux)
Install third libraries in Ubuntu 20.04
$ sudo apt install gfortran libalglib-dev libblas-dev libcholmod3 libgomp1 minpack-dev petsc-dev
A simple test
$ bash run.sh
N is the number of tetrahedra, the frame in each tet is defined as a 3x3 matrix.
9 N
F11 F21 F31 F21 F22 F23 F31 F32 F33
N is the number of tetrahedra, S=g^{-1/2} in each tet is defined as a 3x3 SPD. In order to save space, store each metric with half of SPD.
6 N
S11 S21 S31 S22 S32 S33
tet-id plane v1 v2 v3 weight
tet-id frame x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 weight
tet-id size s weight
The results are stored with binary, can be transformed into ASCII by
$ ./bin/MetricDrivenFrame3D prog=mat_b2a in_mat=<...> out_mat=<...>
also reversed by
$ ./bin/MetricDrivenFrame3D prog=mat_a2b in_mat=<...> out_mat=<...>