
LinuxMint 13 Official User Guide in Chinese Translation project

LinuxMint-13 用户手册中文翻译项目

Source: http://www.linuxmint.com/documentation/user-guide/

Reference: version 11 Chinese edition: http://www.linuxmint.com/documentation/user-guide/chinese_11.0.pdf

Get Involved

  • Fork the repository.
  • Pick an chapter and mark you name on our wiki page.
  • Translate the user guide, make changes to your forked code.
  • Commit to your git (forked) repository.
  • Let us know about your code and we’ll review/merge it into the master.
  • And pat yourself on the back for contributing to an open source project!! :)

And if you have any questions about this project, or you have found some bugs in the translated articles, you may reach us on the issue page.

Contact: www.fcctt.org | www.linuxmint.net