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[VGG19with2Dsubvolumn]Breast Cancer Classification from Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Using a 3D Multi-Subvolume Approach(SPIE Medical Imaging 2020)[paper]
[VGG19with3D]Performance Comparison of Different Loss Functions for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Classification using 3D Deep Learning Model(SPIE Medical Imaging 2020)[paper]
[MVCNNwith2D]SCREENet: A Multi-view Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of High-resolution Synthetic Mammographic Screening Scans(arXiv)[paper]
[CNNwith2D]2D Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Classification(2019 IEEE International Conference on BIBM)[paper]
[CNNwith2Dand3D]Joint 2D-3D Breast Cancer Classification(2019 IEEE International Conference on BIBM)[paper]
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