Paper Title | Venue | Year | Authors | Materials | Comment |
1. Multi-Task Learning as Multi-Objective Optimization | NIPS | 2018 | Sener et al. | [paper] [code] | [blog] |
2. Pareto Multi-Task Learning | NIPS | 2019 | Lin st al. | [paper] [code] | [blog] |
3. Effcient Continuous Pareto Exploration in Multi-Task Learning | ICML | 2020 | Ma st al. | [paper][code] | [blog] |
4. Multi-Task Learning with User Preferences Gradient Descent with Controlled Ascent in Pareto Optimization | ICML | 2020 | Mahapatra st al. | [paper] [code] | |
5. Controllable Pareto Multi-Task Learning | arxiv | 2021 | Lin st al. | [paper] | |
6. Learning the pareto front with hypernetworks | ICLR | 2021 | Navon st al. | [paper] [code] | |
7. Profiling Pareto Front With Multi-Objective Stein Variational Gradient Descent | NIPS | 2021 | Liu st al. | [paper] [code] | |
8. Scalable Pareto Front Approximation for Deep Multi-Objective Learning | ICDM | 2021 | Ruchte st al. | [paper] [code] | |
9. Multi-Objective Learning to Predict Pareto Fronts Using Hypervolume Maximization | arxiv | 2021 | Deist st al. | [paper] [code] [PPT] | |
10. Self-Evolutionary Optimization for Pareto Front Learning | arxiv | 2021 | Chang st al. | [paper] | |
11. Pareto Navigation Gradient Descent: a First-Order Algorithm for Optimization in Pareto Set | UAI | 2022 | Ye st al. | [paper] [code] | |
12. A Multi-objective Multi-task Learning Framework Induced by Pareto Stationarity | ICML | 2022 | Momma st al. | [paper] | |
13. Generalization In Multi-Objective Machine Learning | arxiv | 2022 | Súkeník st al. | [paper] | |
14. Multi-objective Optimization by Learning Space Partition | ICLR | 2022 | Zhao st al. | [paper] [open] | |
15. A Two-Stage Neural-Filter Pareto Front Extractor and the need for Benchmarking | ICLR_Reject | 2022 | Gupta st al. | [paper] [open] | |
16. Improving Pareto Front Learning via Multi-Sample Hypernetworks | AAAI | 2023 | Hoang st al. | [paper] | |
17. A Framework for Controllable Pareto Front Learning with Completed Scalarization Functions and its Applications | arxiv | 2023 | Tuan st al. | [paper] | |
18. Pareto Manifold Learning: Tackling multiple tasks via ensembles of single-task models | ICML | 2023 | Dimitriadis st al. | [paper] [code] | |
19. Multi-objective Learning Using HV Maximization | EMO | 2023 | Deist st al. | [paper] [code] |
Paper Title | Venue | Year | Authors | Materials | Comment |
1. A pareto-efficient algorithm for multiple objective optimization in e-commerce recommendation | RecSys | 2019 | Lin st al. | [paper] | |
2. Prediction-Guided Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Robot Control | ICML | 2020 | Xu st al. | [paper] [code] | |
3. Controllable Dynamic Multi-Task Architectures | CVPR | 2022 | Raychaudhuri st al. | [paper] [code] | |
4. Pareto Policy Adaptation | ICLR | 2022 | Kyriakis st al. | [paper] [open] | |
5. Pareto Set Learning for Neural Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization | ICLR | 2022 | Lin st al. | [paper] [open] [code] | |
6. Pareto Policy Pool for Model-based Offline Reinforcement Learning | ICLR | 2022 | Yang st al. | [paper] [open] [code] | |
7. Multi-Objective Online Learning | ICLR_Reject | 2022 | Jiang st al. | [paper] [open] [code] | |
8. On Multi-objective Policy Optimization as a Tool for Reinforcement Learning: Case Studies in Offline RL and Finetuning | ICLR_Reject | 2022 | Abdolmaleki st al. | [paper] [open] | |
9. Multi-Objective Model Selection for Time Series Forecasting | ICLR_Reject | 2022 | Borchert st al. | [paper] [open] | |
10. Multi-Objective Meta Learning | NIPS | 2022 | Ye st al. | [paper] [open] [code] | |
11. On the Pareto Front of Multilingual Neural Machine Translation | arxiv | 2023 | Chen st al. | [paper] [code] |
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