Reference file

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Entrypoint script files

  • - to recreate LTV curated tables in mySQL (ltv_rider & ltv_driver).
  • - to query the curated table in mySQL. It is in essence one call of fdp_http_api.queryData.
  • API file - lib/ One can this file to understand how the HTTP RESTful endpoint is invoked.

How to recreate LTV curated tables

  • Depending on the scope of query changes, one might need to recreate the LTV curated tables.
  • To recreate the table, one needs to:
    • Paste your queries into the file ltv_driver_query.presto or ltv_rider_query.presto
    • Modify the mySQL table structure in file: ltv_driver_table_create.sql & ltv_rider_table_create.sql
    • Uncomment the corresponding line for table recreation in
    • Run the script file
    • You might encounter timeout (for now), ignore it. After a while, the data should be there

How to query LTV curated tables

  • You can test by directly running
  • You invoke the endpoint represented by "fdp_http_api.queryData" anyway you'd like (e.g. curl). Refer to the invocation of fdp_http_api.queryData in