
DWSFramework is a powerful server-side framework (based on django+websocket), which is mainly used with the DWSClient Google extension framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DWSFramework (a general web framework based on django+websocket)


  • DWSFramework is a general web framework based on django+websocket, the code is written in the OOP style of java (convenient and easy to use).
  • This framework is based on django package, integrates websocket support, and is often used with Google Chrome extension framework [DWSClient client] (https://github.com/xiaohero/DWSFramework).
  • Integrate and enhance the front-end js functions of Google Chrome, including the following:
    • Support websocket real-time communication, convert https to http, disable server-side iframe protection.
    • Support front-end and back-end message forwarding, back-end global variable access.
    • Supports interception of http request, http response head, body, etc., and also integrates common third-party js libraries: such as jquery, babel, react, vue, etc.
    • Support js code protection (high-strength encryption obfuscation).
    • If you want to get the offline version without relying on the DWSFramework server side, please contact the author (QQ: 2130622841)
    • For commercial use, please consult the developer (QQ: 2130622841)
  • At the same time, it also encapsulates django's http and websocket service interfaces, integrates django's management background, and can push js to front-end browsers for execution through the api interface.

Software Architecture and Principles

  • The operating principle of DWSClient is to obtain the core js (the code is encrypted and obfuscated with high strength to protect the security of the extension code) from the server DWSFramework to execute.
  • After the DWSClient is started, you can select the server address in the menu, and then pull the latest js core code from the server, and the front-end browser executes the pulled js code through the eval function.
  • DWSClient maintains websocket real-time communication with the server, and the server can push js in real time for the front-end browser to execute. At the same time, it supports exposing api to third-party websites to call background js.
  • Support to support https to http, support iframe protection to the server, support http request, http response head, body and other interception.

Installation and usage tutorial

    1. Copy the entire project to your project root directory
    1. Enter DWSFramework and install the required dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements_version_xx.txt
    1. Add the attribute to the django configuration file: PROJECT_NAME='xxx', then you can use it