1.0 Machine Learning Based Code Clone Validation Framework

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A code clone is a pair of code fragments, within or between software systems that are similar. Since code clones often negatively impact the maintainability of a software system, a great many numbers of code clone detection techniques and tools have been proposed and studied over the last decade such as, NiCAD [2], Cloneworks [3], SourcererCC [4] and so on. To detect all possible similar source code patterns in general, the clone detection tools work on syntax level (such as texts, tokens, AST and so on) while lacking user-specific preferences. This often means the reported clones must be manually validated prior to any analysis in order to filter out the true positive clones from task or user-specific considerations. This manual clone validation effort is very time-consuming and often error-prone, in particular for large-scale clone detection.

This is a machine learning based framework for automatic code clone validation - developed based on our recent research study [1]. The method learns to predict tasks or user-specific code clone validation patterns. The current machine learning model has been build based on BigCloneBench [5] - a collection of eight million validated clones within IJaDataset-2.0, a big data software repository containing 25,000 open-source Java systems. In addition to the useability of the trained model locally for code clone classification, this cloud based framework also supports the communication with any existing code clone detection tools for valdiation prediction responses using REST API. Please refer to the paper for additional details of the framework [1].

2.0 Installation

2.1 Install TXL

Install TXL from here, according to your OS and make sure the TXL resides in /usr/local/bin/txl. You can use the following command from terminal to double check the installation location.

$ whereis txl

2.2 Git Clone

Clone the project from git. And cd to the project root:

$ git clone https://github.com/pseudoPixels/ML_CloneValidationFramework.git
$ cd ML_CloneValidationFramework

2.3 Create virtual Env. & Install

Create a new virtual environment with Python 2.7. Activate the newly created environment. Using Anaconda is recommended for creating an independent installation setup. Download & Setup Anaconda as per your OS. Finally, install the requirments from the ML_CloneValidationFramework project root as the following commands:

$ conda create -n cloneVal python=2.7
$ conda activate cloneVal
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .

Done! Use $ pip freeze command from the terminal to double check for mlCVF as a test of the successful installation.

3.0 Auto ML Validation (Usage Instructions)

3.1 Example

On installation, run the following command from the terminal to start automatic validation of JHotDraw54b1 software project located at input_clone_pairs/ directory. JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml is the output clone report file obtained from the NICAD [2] clone detection tool. In addition to showing the validation status in the terminal, the report is saved in out/ directory.

$ python autoValidateClones.py  -in 'JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml' -out 'out/'

3.2 Validation Options

For validation options and help run python autoValidateClones.py -h from the terminal. It should present the options for validation from this framework, such as:

$ python autoValidateClones.py  -h

usage: autoValidateClones.py [-h] -in INPUT_CLONE_FILE -out OUTPUT_DIR
                             [-t VAL_THRESHOLD]

This is a machine learning based framework for automatic code clone

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -in INPUT_CLONE_FILE  (required) input clone file (i.e., output from NICAD)
  -out OUTPUT_DIR       (required) target output directory of machine learning
                        validated clones
  -t VAL_THRESHOLD      (optional) the threshold for automatic clone
                        validation. Default=0.7

3.3 Validating Clones of new Software Systems

Let's say we have a software system NewSoft for clone validation. We first detect clones of it using NICAD. NICAD will generate a clone report NewSoft_clones.xml for the corresponding software system. For validation of the detected clones using machine learning copy and paste both New_Soft and NewSoft_clones.xml in input_clone_pairs/ directory of the project and run the following command:

$ python autoValidateClones.py  -in 'NewSoft_clones.xml' -out 'out/' -t 0.85

It will start the automatic validation of the clones and write the reports in out/ directory. Besides, the validation progress is also presented in the terminal.

Important: Please make sure that the file attribute of the clone file NewSoft_clones.xml is in relative path (i.e., starting with NewSoft/and/so/on). This is important as the automatic validation process requires to extract source codes for the corresponding reported clone pairs. For clarification, please look into the file attributes of example JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml clone file from input_clone_pairs/ directory.

3.4 Outputs

The framework creats output file containing validation information for each of the clone files in out/ directory. The extensions of the output files are - .mlValidated, which can be loaded as csv formats for further analysis of the validation results. The validation response (e.g., true/false) for each of the clone pairs are as follows. You will get overall validation statistics (e.g., precision and so on) in your console and will also be written in __CLONE_VALIDATION_STATS.txt file in your specified output directory (e.g., in ).


4.0 Manual Validation (Usage Instruction)

As reported above, the reported clones from a clone detection tools can be manually validated using the project for building the further training set. The training set can later be used for improving the machine learning model. For the manual validation, please cd to manual_validator directory of the project, such as:

$ cd manual_validator

Copy and paste the software project such as JHotDraw54b1 and its detected clone file JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml (i.e., from NICAD) in manual_validator/input_clone_pairs directory. And then run the following command from terminal for starting the manual validation process.

$ python manualValidate.py -in 'JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml'

The command will pop-up a window as the following (this validation program was developed by Jeff Svajlenko). Browse to you the clone file such as JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml.clones from the window (Note: Please note the file name, its a .clones file NOT the earlier pasted clone file JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml. The .clones file is generated by this system with suitable format for the validation. So, please browse and select the corresponding .clones file as input). After browsing and selecting the clone file, the window will also further ask for selecting a file for writing the manual validation responses. You can create and select any file (such as, myManualCloneValReport.csv) for writing the output. Browse

On selecting both the input clone file and the output response file, it will launch the validation window as following. It will iterate over all the clones available in the clone file for corresponding manual validation response on the clone pairs. Browse

After manual validation of the clones, the output file (such as myManualCloneValReport.csv in this case) can later be used for training the machine learning models or any other research purposes.

5.0 Train New Model

You can use the newly validated clone sets (from the previous Section 4.0) to train new custom model. The newly trained model can be used for custom validation. Following is an example for starting the training. Here, -in specifies the manual validated file, and -out specifies the name of the newly trained model to save as (all models are saved at 'pybrain/' folder).

$python train.py -in 'JHotDraw54b1_clones.xml.clones2' -out 'newlyTrainedModel'

6.0 Bugs/Issues?

Please add your issues or bug reports to this git repository. We track the issues for further improvement of the framework.

7.0 References

[1] Mostaeen, G., Svajlenko, J., Roy, B., Roy, C. K., & Schneider, K. (2018, September). On the Use of Machine Learning Techniques Towards the Design of Cloud Based Automatic Code Clone Validation Tools. In Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2018 IEEE 18th International Working Conference on. IEEE.

[2] Roy, C. K., & Cordy, J. R. (2008, June). NICAD: Accurate detection of near-miss intentional clones using flexible pretty-printing and code normalization. In Program Comprehension, 2008. ICPC 2008. The 16th IEEE International Conference on (pp. 172-181). IEEE.

[3] Svajlenko, J., & Roy, C. K. (2017, May). Cloneworks: A fast and flexible large-scale near-miss clone detection tool. In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (pp. 177-179). IEEE Press.

[4] Sajnani, H., Saini, V., Svajlenko, J., Roy, C. K., & Lopes, C. V. (2016, May). SourcererCC: scaling code clone detection to big-code. In Software Engineering (ICSE), 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on (pp. 1157-1168). IEEE.

[5] Svajlenko, J., & Roy, C. K. (2015, September). Evaluating clone detection tools with bigclonebench. In Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 131-140). IEEE.

[6] Ambient Software Evoluton Group. IJaDataset 2.0. http://secold.org/projects/seclone.