
Docker manager. Docker based cross network segment, multi host, container web management.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

中文说明 | English

Architecture diagram


Related projects

Front end page: https://github.com/xiaojun207/docker-manager-page
Docker-agent: https://github.com/xiaojun207/docker-agent



host manage

container manage

container stats

container exec

container exec in

image manage

user manage


Because some of our servers are distributed in different network environments. And, these server programs use docker for publishing, but do not use k8s such tools. In a discrete management state. I've also considered tools like rancher, but it's still too heavy for us. I need a lighter management tool. Therefore, docker manager and docker agent were born.

Function description

Docker based multi host container web management, data is stored as sqlit3 by default.

  • Overview, including: number of servers, number of running containers, total number of containers, number of applications, number of distributed tasks, and number of real-time logs opened.
  • Display of all containers, including container name, ID, server, image used, port and creation time.
  • You can start container, delete container, restart container.
  • Container status information, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network usage.
  • Publish a new container to the target server.
  • The container real-time log (if exists) is like to: docker logs - F -- tail 10 containername. It is more resource consuming. It is better to only view the log temporarily (this function does not support cluster deployment).
  • Display of server assets, mainly including: total number of containers, number of running containers, CPU usage, memory usage, docker version, and whether docker agent is online (this function does not support cluster deployment).
  • User management, administrator and docker agent account, password and status management.
  • White space ip list.


docker pull xiaojun207/docker-manager:latest

docker ps -aq --filter "name=docker-manager" | grep -q . && docker stop docker-manager && docker rm -fv docker-manager

docker run -d --name docker-manager -p 8068:8068 -v /app/docker-manager/data:/app/data xiaojun207/docker-manager:latest


docker run -d --name docker-manager -p 8068:8068 -e driveName=mysql -e dataSourceUrl='root:password@(dbhost:3306)/dbname?charset=utf8' xiaojun207/docker-manager:latest

Parameter Description:

Parameter required default value description
driveName no sqlite3 The default is "sqlite3", or "mysql". If MySQL is used, the "datasourceurl" must be configured.
dataSourceUrl no /app/data/database.db Database connection URL,
when driveName is "sqlite3","dataSourceUrl" default:data/database.db(/app/data/database.db),
when driveName is "mysql",the "dataSourceUrl" is required,such as:-e dataSourceUrl='root:password@(dbhost:3306)/dbname?charset=utf8'
useCache no false Whether to enable local cache. It can be enabled in stand-alone deployment, but not in cluster deployment
consoleCode no false Whether to enable the console verification code. When the administrator retrieves the password, please set consolecode = true

or use docker exec -it ... go into container,use config file(/app/config.yml).

Parameter priority:

 [HardCode] < [ConfigFile(./config.yml)] < [Cmd parameters (or docker -e)]

Login account

Upon initial startup, the program will automatically create an administrator account (admin), a client account (agent, password), and a user name and password, which will be printed into the log output. (only displayed once, please make a backup)

Database storage (optional)

  • The data is stored as embedded sqlit3 by default, that is, docker-manager startup can be independent of other components, or mysql.
  • After configuring the database connection parameters, the database tables will be automatically created and updated.
  • Configuration parameters: driveName, dataSourceUrl

sqlite3 (default)

Configure mysql as follows

-e driveName=sqlit3 -e dataSourceUrl='/app/data/database.db'  


Configure mysql as follows

-e driveName=mysql -e dataSourceUrl='root:password@(dbhost:3306)/dbname? charset=utf8'  

Currently, both MySQL 5.6.44 and MySQL 8.0 are running normally

Nginx proxy


    real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
    real_ip_recursive on;

    map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
       default upgrade;
       ''      close;

    map $http_x_forwarded_for $ClientRealIP {
            ""  $remote_addr;
            ~^(?P<firstAddr>[0-9\.]+),?.*$  $firstAddr;
server {
   listen 80;
   server_name dockermanager.com;

   client_max_body_size 1000m;
   location / {
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $ClientRealIP;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For  $http_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; # websocket
      proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; # websocket
      proxy_pass http://dockermgr_api;

Client Agent (docker-agent)

docker pull xiaojun207/docker-agent:latest

docker run -d --name docker-agent -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e DockerServer="" -e Username="agent" -e Password="12345678" -e HostIp="" xiaojun207/docker-agent:latest

It should be used in conjunction with "xiaojun207/docker-agent" image. Please refer to the description for the specific usage of docker agent

Special note: The hostname of each server (the host of docker agent) must be unique

Contact email

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please send an email to the following email:

email: xiaojun207@126.com

Thanks for JetBrains' support
