
small Arduino/Wiring core for 8-pin tiny AVRs, for Arduino IDE & auto installation

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

how to update and follow the original author,

download picoCore-0.3.5.zip

installed path,


picoCore-0.3.5.zip, file structure, root folfer must be picoCore-0.3.5,


https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha256_checksum.html, upload and see SHA hash

or uses Win10 buil-in tool to see sha256

edit https://github.com/xiaolaba/xiaolaba.github.io/tree/master/json/package_xiaolaba_picoCore_index.json to include this new version,

edit https://github.com/xiaolaba/xiaolaba.github.io/blob/master/index.html, it will update and push automativally,

try and see effective, https://xiaolaba.github.io/json/package_xiaolaba_picoCore_index.json

include this path, https://xiaolaba.github.io/json/package_xiaolaba_picoCore_index.json to Arduino IDE broad manager, for auto update

trying to json of github and easy & auto installation.

testing, 2020-05-19, done

open Arduino 1.8.12 IDE, (later version should works well) File / Preference / Additional Broad manager URLs,
include the json following,


Tools / Broad Managers / update and install

manual installation,

clone picoCore.zip, unzip and move the whole folder to the path as,

C:\Users\ YOUR_USER_NAME \AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\



Small Arduino/Wiring core for 8-pin tiny AVRs: ATtiny13 and ATtiny25-85 series. Arduino Blink sketch compiled for the ATtiny85 is 64 bytes and for the ATtiny13 is 54 bytes.

I am writing this core from scratch, with code size and efficiency as the main goal. I am making use of AVR assembler code when the code size and efficiency goals cannot be readily attained with C/C++. Unlike the official AVR core, picoCore has compile-time checking of many arguments. Calling digitalWrite(42) will cause a compile error with the message, "pin out of range".

Development Status

Work in progress as of spring 2020.

Several of the most commonly used functions are implemented as of v0.2. Support for Serial.print is planned for v0.3.

Supported Functions