- 0
- 1
SeModule Error
#50 opened by wyyaa123 - 0
#51 opened by Yangworld4 - 1
- 0
#49 opened by IsYang68 - 1
#40 opened by hx121071 - 0
#47 opened by yaoyi30 - 1
- 0
#46 opened by djangaoajb - 4
batchnorm handing issue when inference
#2 opened by lucasjinreal - 0
#45 opened by szgy66 - 0
About the Residual Block
#44 opened by enemy1205 - 0
- 0
#41 opened by Songxinlei - 0
- 0
what's different new and old?
#38 opened by lucasjinreal - 0
#37 opened by jun214384468 - 1
A question about mbv3_small.pth.tar
#36 opened by YuQi9797 - 0
What Shortcut will be, if Stride is 2?
#35 opened by BlueAnthony - 2
#20 opened by chuliuT - 0
about the model of mobilenetv3_large
#34 opened by freefishman - 1
fail to load pre-model
#29 opened by mk123qwe - 1
About SE Reduction ratio?
#33 opened by H-YunHui - 0
dropout of 0.8 in mobilenetv3 paper
#32 opened by chunhuizng - 5
the model download can not decompression, can re upload again? thanks a lot , or send to my email ? thanks a lot
#9 opened by cuicuizhang1989 - 0
How can I train my own dataset?
#31 opened by YuzhouPeng - 0
Difference on NBN from paper
#28 opened by real-zhangzhe - 0
MobilenetV3 block is totally wrong!
#30 opened by real-zhangzhe - 3
Why do you use conv and bn in SeModule?
#4 opened by kuan-wang - 8
- 4
SE's position differs from paper.
#26 opened by TKONIY - 0
#25 opened by henbucuoshanghai - 0
the model of mobilenetv3_large
#24 opened by WangTianYuan - 0
Could you list all of your details that are different from the original paper in README ?
#23 opened by DocF - 7
- 1
#21 opened by Peterisfar - 1
- 1
Difference on SE from paper
#15 opened by triangleCZH - 0
Doubt the accuracy
#18 opened by SteveTsui - 0
Stride error
#17 opened by SteveTsui - 0
Training Code supplement
#16 opened by zengqixun123 - 3
Validation accuracy for mobilenetv3_small
#5 opened by sjzhuo - 0
learning rate setting and data augumentation
#14 opened by zhoudaquan - 1
#10 opened by smartadpole - 1
The last two FC layers don't need batch norm.
#11 opened by longxianlei - 1
- 1
- 0
pre-trained weight decompression error
#6 opened by feiyun1265 - 5
Why you didn't use avg pool in SeModule?
#3 opened by PistonY - 0
Image preprocessing method
#1 opened by zhangming8