
Running Docker impossible

Arzhura opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for developing this tools, it looks really promising. I try to run it though docker and I still can't, I don't know why. I put the complet path for each directory inside the command line, to be sure it is working, but still not. I would like then to modify the code to my archive type but I am not familiar with docker files. Can you tell me where this error is coming from ?
Capture d’écran 2020-08-05 à 11 04 27
(sudo doesn't work neither)

Thank you for developing this tools, it looks really promising. I try to run it though docker and I still can't, I don't know why. I put the complet path for each directory inside the command line, to be sure it is working, but still not. I would like then to modify the code to my archive type but I am not familiar with docker files. Can you tell me where this error is coming from ?
Capture d’écran 2020-08-05 à 11 04 27
(sudo doesn't work neither)

Hi, I suggest you try it with superuser (su), or get permittion to your user by chmod or chown .