
Source code of CHAMELEON - A Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CHAMELEON - A Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems

CHAMELEON is a Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems. It has being developed as part of the Doctoral research of Gabriel de Souza Pereira Moreira, at the Brazilian Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA).

The initial version (v1.0) of CHAMELEON source code allows reproducibility of the experiments reported in a paper [1] published at the DLRS'18, co-located with ACM RecSys.

The version v1.5 was released for reproducibility of the experiments reported in this paper (arXiv pre-print) [2]. For that version, metrics like item coverage, novelty and diversity were included, an optimized instantiation of CHAMELEON meta-architecture was implemented and experiments with two datasets are made available: G1 (Globo.com) and Adressa.

This implementation depends on Python 3 (with Pandas, Scikit-learn and SciPy modules) and TensorFlow 1.12. CHAMELEON modules were implemented using TF Estimators and Datasets.

The CHAMELEON modules training and evaluation can be performed either locally (GPU highly recommended) or using Google Cloud Platform ML Engine managed service.

Dataset for reproducibility

The experiments reported in the paper Contextual Hybrid Session-based News Recommendation with Recurrent Neural Networks [2] use the following datasets:

  • Globo.com (G1) dataset - Globo.com is the most popular media company in Brazil. This dataset was originally shared by us in [1]. With this work, we publish a second version, which includes contextual information. The dataset comprises about 1 million user sessions, composed of 3 million clicks on 46,033 different articles. This dataset used was kindly shared by Globo.com for this research.

  • SmartMedia Adressa dataset - This dataset contains approximately 20 million page visits from a Norwegian news portal [91]. In our experiments we used 16 days of the full dataset, which is available upon request, and includes article text and click events of about 2 million users and 13,000 articles.

You must download these dataset to be able to run the commands to pre-process, train, and evaluate the session-based algorithms for next-click recommendation within user sessions.


The objetive of the CHAMELEON is to provide accurate contextual session-based recommendations for news portals. It is composed of two complementary modules, with independent life cycles for training and inference: the Article Content Representation (ACR) and the Next-Article Recommendation (NAR) modules, as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 - CHAMELEON - a Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems

Fig. 1 - CHAMELEON - a Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems

The CHAMELEON is a meta-architecture, in the sense of a reference architecture that collects together decisions relating to an architecture strategy. It might be instantiated as different architectures with similar characteristics that fulfill a common task, in this case, news recommendations.

Article Content Representation (ACR) module

The ACR module is responsible to extract features from news articles text and metadata and to learn a distributed representations (embeddings) for each news article context.

The inputs for the ACR module are (1) article metadata attributes (e.g., publisher) and (2) article textual content, represented as a sequence of word embeddings.

In this instantiation of the Textual Features Representation (TFR) sub-module from ACR module, 1D CNNs over pre-trained Word2Vec embeddings was used to extract features from textual items. Article's textual features and metadata inputs were combined by using a sequence of Fully Connected (FC) layers to produce Article Content Embeddings.

For scalability reasons, Article Content Embeddings are not directly trained for recommendation task, but for a side task of news metadata classification. For this architecture instantiation of CHAMELEON, they were trained to classify the category (editorial section) of news articles.

After training, the Article Content Embeddings for news articles (NumPy matrix) are persisted into a Pickle dump file, for further usage by NAR module.

Important notes about experiments with the ACR module

Globo.com dataset

It was not possible to share the articles' textual content for Globo.com dataset due to licensing reasons. Although, it is not necessary to run the ACR module pre-processing and training commands (presented in the following subsections), since the trained Article Content Embeddings were already been provided with the dataset.

Adressa dataset

The creators of the Adressa dataset can make available the full textual content of articles upon request. After download their data, you must follow this steps:

  1. As Adressa has provided a large dataset, the first pre-processing step is performed using Spark.

    1. Create a Spark cluster (dataproc_preprocessing/create_cluster.sh) on GCP Dataproc
    2. Open a Jupyter session (dataproc_preprocessing/browse_cluster.sh)
    3. Upload the preprocessing notebook (dataproc_preprocessing/nar_preprocessing_addressa_01_dataproc.ipynb), adjust the GCS path where the Adressa dataset was uploaded and run the notebook.
    4. Download the sessions JSON lines and the pickle with nar_encoders_dict, exported by the notebook, to be used by the 2nd step of pre-processing
    5. Destroy the Spark cluster (dataproc_preprocessing/destroy_cluster.sh)
  2. Run the 2nd pre-processing step (run_acr_preprocessing_adressa.sh)

  3. Run the training and evaluation script (run_acr_training_adressa_local.sh), to generate the Article Content Embeddings with the ACR module.

Pre-processing data for the ACR module

Here is an example of the command to pre-process articles text and metadata for the ACR module for Globo.com dataset.

It allows to specify the path of a CSV containing articles text and metadata (input_articles_csv_path), the path of pre-trained word embeddings and exports articles data into TFRecords format into output_tf_records_path, including the dictionaries that mapped tokenized words to sequences of int (output_word_vocab_embeddings_path) and metadata the categorical features encoders (output_label_encoders).

The word embeddings (input_word_embeddings_path parameter) must be in Gensim format, either in binary or plain text format. For Globo.com dataset, we used pre-trained Portuguese word embeddings (skip-gram model (300 dimensions), available here and for Adressa dataset we used Norwegian word-embeddings (skip-gram model with 100 dimen- sions (model #100), available here).

cd acr_module && \
python3 -m acr.preprocessing.acr_preprocess_gcom \
	--input_articles_csv_path ${DATA_DIR}/document_g1/documents_g1.csv \
 	--input_word_embeddings_path ${DATA_DIR}/word2vec/skip_s300.txt \
 	--vocab_most_freq_words 50000 \
 	--output_word_vocab_embeddings_path ${DATA_DIR}/pickles/acr_word_vocab_embeddings.pickle \
 	--output_label_encoders ${DATA_DIR}/pickles/acr_label_encoders.pickle \
 	--output_tf_records_path "${DATA_DIR}/articles_tfrecords/gcom_articles_tokenized_*.tfrecord.gz" \
 	--articles_by_tfrecord 5000

From acr_module/scripts/run_acr_preprocessing_gcom.sh

Training ACR module

The ACR module can be trained either locally (example below) or using GCP ML Engine (run_acr_training_gcom_mlengine.sh).

The path of pre-processed TFRecords is informed in train_set_path_regex parameter, as well as the other ACR exported assets (input_word_vocab_embeddings_path and input_label_encoders_path). The trained Article Content Embeddings (NumPy matrix), with the dimensions specified by acr_embeddings_size, are exported (Pickle dump file) after training to output_acr_metadata_embeddings_path, for further usage by the NAR module.

cd acr_module && \
JOB_PREFIX=gcom && \
JOB_ID=`whoami`_${JOB_PREFIX}_`date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S'` && \
MODEL_DIR='/tmp/chameleon/gcom/jobs/'${JOB_ID} && \
echo 'Running training job and outputing to '${MODEL_DIR} && \
python3 -m acr.acr_trainer_gcom \
	--model_dir ${MODEL_DIR} \
	--train_set_path_regex "${DATA_DIR}/articles_tfrecords/gcom_articles_tokenized_*.tfrecord.gz" \
	--input_word_vocab_embeddings_path ${DATA_DIR}/pickles/acr_word_vocab_embeddings.pickle \
	--input_label_encoders_path ${DATA_DIR}/pickles/acr_label_encoders.pickle \
	--output_acr_metadata_embeddings_path ${DATA_DIR}/pickles/acr_articles_metadata_embeddings.pickle \
	--batch_size 64 \
	--truncate_tokens_length 300 \
	--training_epochs 5 \
	--learning_rate 3e-4 \
	--dropout_keep_prob 1.0 \
	--l2_reg_lambda 7e-4 \
	--text_feature_extractor "CNN" \
	--cnn_filter_sizes "3,4,5" \
	--cnn_num_filters 128 \
	--acr_embeddings_size 250

From run_acr_training_gcom_local.sh

Next-Article Recommendation (NAR) module

The Next-Article Recommendation (NAR) module is responsible for providing news articles recommendations for active sessions. Due to the high sparsity of users and their constant interests shift, the CHAMELEON instantiation reported in [1] leverages only session-based contextual information, ignoring possible users’ past sessions.

The inputs for the NAR module are: (1) the pre-trained Article Content Embedding of the last viewed article; (2) the contextual properties of the articles (popularity and recency); and (3) the user context (e.g. time, location, and device). These inputs are combined by Fully Connected layers to produce a User-Personalized Contextual Article Embedding, whose representations might differ for the same article, depending on the user context and on the current article context (popularity and recency).

The NAR module uses a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) – the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) – to model the sequence of articles read by users in their sessions, represented by their User-Personalized Contextual Article Embeddings. For each article of the sequence, the RNN outputs a Predicted Next-Article Embedding – the expected representation of a news content the user would like to read next in the active session.

In most deep learning architectures proposed for RS, the neural network outputs a vector whose dimension is the number of available items. Such approach may work for domains were the items number is more stable, like movies and books. Although, in the dynamic scenario of news recommendations, where thousands of news stories are added and removed daily, such approach could require full retrain of the network, as often as new articles are published.

For this reason, instead of using a softmax cross-entropy loss, the NAR module is trained to maximize the similarity between the Predicted Next-Article Embedding and the User-Personalized Contextual Article Embedding corresponding to the next article actually read by the user in his session (positive sample), whilst minimizing its similarity with negative samples (articles not read by the user during the session). With this strategy to deal with item cold-start, a newly published article might be immediately recommended, as soon as its Article Content Embedding is trained and added to a repository.

The following example commands are for the Globo.com dataset. For the Adressa dataset, you want to use run_nar_preprocessing_adressa.sh for pre-processing and run_nar_train_adressa_local.sh for training and evaluation.

Pre-processing data for the NAR module

The NAR module expects TFRecord files containing SequenceExamples of user sessions's context and clicked articles.

The following example command (run_nar_preprocessing_gcom.sh) takes the path of CSV files, containing users sessions split by hour (input_clicks_csv_path_regex), and outputs the corresponding TFRecord files.

cd nar_module && \
python3 -m nar.preprocessing.nar_preprocess_gcom \
--input_clicks_csv_path_regex "${DATA_DIR}/clicks/clicks_hour_*" \
--number_hours_to_preprocess 384 \
--output_sessions_tfrecords_path "${DATA_DIR}/sessions_tfrecords/sessions_hour_*.tfrecord.gz"

Training and evaluating the NAR module

The NAR module is trained and evaluated according to the following Temporal Offline Evaluation Method, described in [1]:

  1. Train the NAR module with sessions within the active hour.
  2. Evaluate the NAR module with sessions within the next hour, for the task of the next-click prediction.

The following baseline methods (described in more detail in [2]) are also trained and evaluated in parallel, as benchmarks for CHAMELEON accuracy:

  • Co-occurrent (CO
  • Sequential Rules (SR)
  • Item-kNN
  • Vector Multiplication Session-Based kNN (V-SkNN)
  • Recently Popular (RP)
  • Content-Based (CB)

The choosen evaluation metrics were Hit-Rate@N and MRR@N for accuracy, COV for catalog coverage, ESI-R and ESI-RR for novelty, and EILD-R and EILD-RR for diversity, described in [2].


The train_set_path_regex parameter expects the path (local or GCS) where the sessions' TFRecords were exported. It also expects the path of the articles metadata CSV (acr_module_articles_metadata_csv_path) and the Pickle dump file with the Article Content Embeddings (acr_module_articles_content_embeddings_pickle_path).

It is necessary to specify a subset of files (representing sessions started in the same hour) for training and evaluation (train_files_from to train_files_up_to). The frequency of evaluation is specified in training_hours_for_each_eval (e.g. training_hours_for_each_eval=5 means that after training on 5 hour's (files) sessions, the next hour (file) is used for evaluation.

To reproduce the experiments of [2], where additional features are used as inputs to the NAR module, you must change the following parameters according to the Input Configurations (IC) reported in the paper: enabled_articles_input_features_groups, enabled_clicks_input_features_groups, enabled_internal_features.

To reproduce the experiments reported in [2] with the novelty regularization in loss function, change the parameter novelty_reg_factor.

The disable_eval_benchmarks parameter disables training and evaluation of benchmark methods (useful for speed up).

The NAR module can either be trained locally or using GCP ML Engine, as following examples.

Local training and evaluation of NAR module

cd nar_module && \
JOB_PREFIX=gcom && \
JOB_ID=`whoami`_${JOB_PREFIX}_`date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S'` && \
MODEL_DIR='/tmp/chameleon/jobs/'${JOB_ID} && \
echo 'Running training job and outputing to '${MODEL_DIR} && \
python3 -m nar.nar_trainer_gcom \
	--model_dir ${MODEL_DIR} \
	--train_set_path_regex "${DATA_DIR}/sessions_tfrecords/sessions_hour_*.tfrecord.gz" \
	--train_files_from 0 \
	--train_files_up_to 72 \
	--training_hours_for_each_eval 5 \
	--save_results_each_n_evals 1 \
	--acr_module_articles_metadata_csv_path ${DATA_DIR}/articles_metadata.csv \
	--acr_module_articles_content_embeddings_pickle_path ${DATA_DIR}/articles_embeddings.pickle \
	--batch_size 64 \
	--truncate_session_length 20 \
	--learning_rate 3e-5 \
	--dropout_keep_prob 1.0 \
	--reg_l2 1e-5 \
	--softmax_temperature 0.1 \
	--recent_clicks_buffer_hours 1.0 \
	--recent_clicks_buffer_max_size 20000 \
	--recent_clicks_for_normalization 2000 \
	--eval_metrics_top_n 6 \
	--CAR_embedding_size 1024 \
	--rnn_units 255 \
	--rnn_num_layers 1 \
	--train_total_negative_samples 30 \
	--train_negative_samples_from_buffer 3000 \
	--eval_total_negative_samples 30 \
	--eval_negative_samples_from_buffer 3000 \
	--eval_negative_sample_relevance 0.02 \
	--enabled_articles_input_features_groups "category" \
	--enabled_clicks_input_features_groups "time,device,location,referrer" \
	--enabled_internal_features "item_clicked_embeddings,recency,novelty,article_content_embeddings" \
	--novelty_reg_factor 0.0 \

From run_nar_train_gcom_local.sh

ML Engine training and evaluation of NAR module

When training the NAR module in GCP ML Engine, two parameters are specially important:

  • use_local_cache_model_dir - TensorFlow logs and summaries are usually large and saving them directly to GCS considerally slows down the training/evaluation process. When this parameter is present, TF model logs to a local folder in the worker machine.
  • save_results_each_n_evals - The frequency (number of evaluation loops) in which TF logs saved locally are uploaded to a GCS path (model_dir).

P.s. As the proposed Temporal Offline Evaluation Method assumes that hours are trained and evaluated in sequence, a single ML Engine worker with GPU is used (scale-tier=basic-gpu) to avoid leaking from future sessions (due to the asynchronous training when more than one worker is used).

cd nar_module && \
PROJECT_ID="[REPLACE BY THE GCP PROJECT ID. e.g. 'chameleon-test']" && \
DATA_DIR="[REPLACE BY THE GCS PATH OF GCOM DATASET. e.g. gs://chameleon_datasets/gcom]" && \
JOB_PREFIX=gcom_nar && \
JOB_ID=`whoami`_${JOB_PREFIX}_`date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S'` && \
MODEL_DIR="[REPLACE BY THE GCS PATH TO OUTPUT NAR MODEL RESULTS. e.g. gs://chameleon_jobs/gcom/nar_module/${JOB_ID}]" && \
JOBS_STAGING_DIR="[REPLACE BY A GCS PATH FOR STAGING. e.g. gs://mlengine_staging/" && \
echo 'Running training job '${JOB_ID} && \
gcloud --project ${PROJECT_ID} ml-engine jobs submit training ${JOB_ID} \
	--package-path nar \
	--module-name nar.nar_trainer_gcom \
	--staging-bucket ${JOBS_STAGING_DIR} \
	--region us-central1 \
	--python-version 3.5 \
	--runtime-version 1.8 \
	--scale-tier basic-gpu \
	--job-dir ${MODEL_DIR} \
	-- \
	--model_dir ${MODEL_DIR} \
	--use_local_cache_model_dir \
	--train_set_path_regex "${DATA_DIR}/sessions_tfrecords/sessions_hour_*.tfrecord.gz" \
	--train_files_from 0 \
	--train_files_up_to 384 \
	--training_hours_for_each_eval 5 \
	--save_results_each_n_evals 1 \
	--acr_module_articles_metadata_csv_path ${DATA_DIR}/articles_metadata.csv \
	--acr_module_articles_content_embeddings_pickle_path ${DATA_DIR}/articles_embeddings.pickle \
	--batch_size 256 \
	--truncate_session_length 20 \
	--learning_rate 1e-4 \
	--dropout_keep_prob 1.0 \
	--reg_l2 1e-5 \
	--softmax_temperature 0.1 \
	--recent_clicks_buffer_hours 1.0 \
	--recent_clicks_buffer_max_size 20000 \
	--recent_clicks_for_normalization 2000 \
	--eval_metrics_top_n 10 \
	--CAR_embedding_size 1024 \
	--rnn_units 255 \
	--rnn_num_layers 2 \
	--train_total_negative_samples 50 \
	--train_negative_samples_from_buffer 3000 \
	--eval_total_negative_samples 50 \
	--eval_negative_samples_from_buffer 3000 \
	--eval_negative_sample_relevance 0.02 \
	--content_embedding_scale_factor 6.0 \
	--enabled_articles_input_features_groups "category" \
	--enabled_clicks_input_features_groups "time,device,location,referrer" \
	--enabled_internal_features "recency,novelty,article_content_embeddings,item_clicked_embeddings" \
	--novelty_reg_factor 0.0 \



[1] Gabriel de Souza Pereira Moreira, Felipe Ferreira, and Adilson Marques da Cunha. 2018. News Session-Based Recommendations using Deep Neural Networks. In 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems (DLRS 2018), October 6, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3270323.3270328

[2] Gabriel de Souza Pereira Moreira, Dietmar Jannach, and Adilson Marques da Cunha. 2019. Contextual Hybrid Session-based News Recommendation with Recurrent Neural Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.10367, 49 pages.

[3] Balázs Hidasi, Alexandros Karatzoglou, Linas Baltrunas, and Domonkos Tikk. 2016. Session-based recommendations with recurrent neural networks. In Proceedings of Forth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2016.