An opinionated toast component for Vue. It's a Vue port of Sonner
Vue Sonner
is an opinionated toast component for Vue. It's customizable, but styled by default. Comes with a swipe to dismiss animation.
To start using the library, install it in your project:
pnpm install vue-sonner
yarn add vue-sonner
To run the test you need two separate CLI window :
To launch the test, you need to go in the test directory
cd ./test
and launch the following command
cd ./test
pnpm test:e2e --ui
This command will build the vue-sonner library in lib mode, and add a watch so every time you modify the code of the library, you will have a new bundle and can run the test again.
pnpm build:dev
<!-- App.vue -->
<Toaster />
<button @click="() => toast('My first toast')">Render a toast</button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Toaster, toast } from 'vue-sonner'
Use vue-sonner/nuxt
// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['vue-sonner/nuxt']
Use Toaster
component and $toast
function anywhere in the Vue SFC
<!-- app.vue -->
<Toaster position="top-right" />
<button @click="() => $toast('My first toast')">Render a toast</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
const { $toast } = useNuxtApp()
EMS version
UMD version
Most basic toast. You can customize it (and any other type) by passing an options object as the second argument.
toast('Event has been created')
With custom description:
toast('Event has been created', {
description: 'Monday, January 3rd at 6:00pm'
Renders a checkmark icon in front of the message.
toast.success('Event has been created')
Renders an error icon in front of the message.
toast.error('Event has not been created')
Renders a button.
toast('Event has been created', {
action: {
label: 'Undo',
onClick: () => console.log('Undo')
Starts in a loading state and will update automatically after the promise resolves or fails.
You can pass a function to the success/error messages to incorporate the result/error of the promise.
toast.promise(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)), {
loading: 'Loading',
success: (data: any) => 'Success',
error: (data: any) => 'Error'
You can pass a Vue Component as the first argument instead of a string to render custom Component while maintaining default styling. You can use the headless version below for a custom, unstyled toast.
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineComponent, h, markRaw } from 'vue'
const CustomDiv = defineComponent({
setup() {
return () =>
h('div', {
innerHTML: 'A custom toast with unstyling'
You can use toast.custom
to render an unstyled toast with custom jsx while maintaining the functionality.
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { markRaw } from 'vue'
import HeadlessToast from './HeadlessToast.vue'
toast.custom(markRaw(HeadlessToast), { duration: 999999 })
You can change the theme using the theme
prop. Default theme is light.
<Toaster theme="dark" />
You can change the position through the position
prop on the <Toaster />
component. Default is top-right
<!-- Available positions -->
<!-- top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right -->
<Toaster position="top-center" />
Toasts can also be expanded by default through the expand
prop. You can also change the amount of visible toasts which is 3 by default.
<Toaster expand :visibleToasts="9" />
You can style your toasts globally with the toastOptions
prop in the Toaster
style: { background: 'red' },
class: 'my-toast',
descriptionClass: 'my-toast-description'
toast('Event has been created', {
style: {
background: 'red'
class: 'my-toast',
descriptionClass: 'my-toast-description'
The preferred way to style the toasts with tailwind is by using the unstyled
prop. That will give you an unstyled toast which you can then style with tailwind.
unstyled: true,
classes: {
toast: 'bg-blue-400',
title: 'text-red-400',
description: 'text-red-400',
actionButton: 'bg-zinc-400',
cancelButton: 'bg-orange-400',
closeButton: 'bg-lime-400'
You can do the same when calling toast()
toast('Hello World', {
unstyled: true,
classes: {
toast: 'bg-blue-400',
title: 'text-red-400 text-2xl',
description: 'text-red-400',
actionButton: 'bg-zinc-400',
cancelButton: 'bg-orange-400',
closeButton: 'bg-lime-400'
Styling per toast type is also possible.
unstyled: true,
classes: {
error: 'bg-red-400',
success: 'text-green-400',
warning: 'text-yellow-400',
info: 'bg-blue-400'
You can change the default icons using slots:
<template #loading-icon>
<LoadingIcon />
<template #success-icon>
<SuccessIcon />
<template #error-icon>
<ErrorIcon />
<template #info-icon>
<InfoIcon />
<template #warning-icon>
<WarningIcon />
Add a close button to all toasts that shows on hover by adding the closeButton
<Toaster closeButton />
You can make error and success state more colorful by adding the richColors
<Toaster richColors />
Offset from the edges of the screen.
<Toaster offset="80px" />
You can pass onDismiss
and onAutoClose
callbacks. onDismiss
gets fired when either the close button gets clicked or the toast is swiped. onAutoClose
fires when the toast disappears automatically after it's timeout (duration
toast('Event has been created', {
onDismiss: (t) => console.log(`Toast with id ${} has been dismissed`),
onAutoClose: (t) =>
console.log(`Toast with id ${} has been closed automatically`)
You can change the duration of each toast by using the duration property, or change the duration of all toasts like this:
<Toaster :duration="10000" />
toast('Event has been created', {
duration: 10000
If you want a toast to stay on screen forever, you can set the duration to `Infinity`.
// Persisent toast
toast('Event has been created', {
duration: Infinity
To remove a toast programmatically use toast.dismiss(id)
const toastId = toast('Event has been created')
You can also dismiss all toasts at once by calling toast.dismiss()
without an id.
You can focus on the toast area by pressing ⌥/alt + T. You can override it by providing an array of event.code values for each key.
<Toaster hotkey="['KeyC']" />
- sonner - An opinionated toast component for React.
MIT @xiaoluoboding