
A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS. Available dialog UI.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



Request permissions with dialog. I do UI of dialog in Apple style. Watch timelaps how I design UI for this pod on YouTube.

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Swift 4.2 & 5.0. Ready for use on iOS 10+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate SPPermission into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SPPermission/Notification'

Due to Apple's new policy regarding permission access you need to specifically define what kind of permissions you want to access using subspecs. For example if you want to access Camera, Location & Microphone you define the following:

pod 'SPPermission/Camera'
pod 'SPPermission/Location'
pod 'SPPermission/Microphone'
Available subspecs

pod 'SPPermission/Camera'
pod 'SPPermission/Contacts'
pod 'SPPermission/Calendar'
pod 'SPPermission/PhotoLibrary'
pod 'SPPermission/Notification'
pod 'SPPermission/Microphone'
pod 'SPPermission/Reminders'
pod 'SPPermission/SpeechRecognizer'
pod 'SPPermission/Location'
pod 'SPPermission/Motion'
pod 'SPPermission/MediaLibrary'


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate SPPermission into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "ivanvorobei/SPPermission"

By default available all permissions. You can provide custom build flags before building the dynamic framework to only compile with permissions you request. Open file Configuration.xcconfig in Source/Supporting Files, comment unusable permissions and rebuild:

carthage build


If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate SPPermission into your project manually. Put Source/SPPermission folder in your Xcode project. Make sure to enable Copy items if needed and Create groups.

After it need implement configuration file. See example configuration file or example project.


Call SPPermission and use func request(). Also, pass the controller on which the dialog should present:

import UIKit
import SPPermission

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        SPPermission.Dialog.request(with: [.camera, .microphone, .notification], on: self)

If you want to know if permission is allowed, you need to call the function:

let isAllowedCamera = SPPermission.isAllowed(.camera)
let isDeniedMicrophone = SPPermission.isDenied(.microphone)

To learn how to customize titles and images you can read section Customisation


If you want to request notification (or other permissions) without dialog, use the function:

SPPermission.request(.notification, with: {
    // Callback

If you want add new permission, create issue.



If you want to change the text, you need to implement SPPermissionDialogDataSource protocol. Override needed parameters to see the changes:

extension Controller: SPPermissionDialogDataSource {

    var showCloseButton: Bool { 
        return true

And pass the object to the function:

    with: [.photoLibrary, .contacts],
    on: self,
    delegate: self,
    dataSource: self


All properties and functions optional. Func can return nil. If do it - will be used defualt value.

extension Controller: SPPermissionDialogDataSource {
    var dialogTitle: String { return "Need Permissions" }
    var dialogSubtitle: String { return "Permissions Request" }
    var dialogComment: String { return "Push are not required permissions" }
    var allowTitle: String { return "Allow" }
    var allowedTitle: String { return "Allowed" }
    var bottomComment: String { return "" }
    func name(for permission: SPPermissionType) -> String? { return nil }
    func description(for permission: SPPermissionType) -> String? { return nil }
    func deniedTitle(for permission: SPPermissionType) -> String? { return nil }
    func deniedSubtitle(for permission: SPPermissionType) -> String? { return nil }

    var cancelTitle: String { return "Cancel" }
    var settingsTitle: String { return "Settings" }

Close Button

For add or remove close button, you need to override parameter showCloseButton. Without button you’ll have to swipe the dialog to close it.

var showCloseButton: Bool {
    return true

To see what it looks like, see the picture below:


For disable drag ovveride dragEnabled. If need allow drag, but disable swipe for hide, ovveride dragToDismiss:

var dragEnabled: Bool {
    return true
var dragToDismiss: Bool {
    return true


If you want to change the color scheme, you need to implement the protocol SPPermissionDialogColorSource. It is not necessary to override all parameters, you can only change those that are necessary:

@objc public protocol SPPermissionDialogColorSource: class {
    @objc optional var whiteColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var blackColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var baseColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var grayColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var lightGrayColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var iconWhiteColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var iconLightColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var iconMediumColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var iconDarkColor: UIColor { get }

    @objc optional var closeIconBackgroundColor: UIColor { get }
    @objc optional var closeIconColor: UIColor { get }

Will auto check SPPermissionDialogDataSource also implement SPPermissionDialogColorSource. You need pass for dataSource object, which implements two protocols.

Start position

Property startTransitionYoffset customise position before start. Set to 0 if need disable wobble animation. By default used center.y * 1.2.

var startTransitionYoffset: CGFloat {
    return 0


To track events of hiding & allowing permissions associated with SPPermission, implement protocol SPPermissionDialogDelegate:

@objc public protocol SPPermissionDialogDelegate: class {

    @objc optional func didHide()
    @objc optional func didAllow(permission: SPPermissionType)
    @objc optional func didDenied(permission: SPPermissionType)

And pass the delegate to the function:

    with: [.calendar, .microphone],
    on: self,
    delegate: self

Keys in Info.plist

You need to add some keys to the Info.plist file with description. List of keys:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSContactsUsageDescription
  • NSCalendarsUsageDescription
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
  • NSAppleMusicUsageDescription
  • NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription
  • NSMotionUsageDescription
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (iOS 10 and earlier)

Do not use the description as the name of the key - this causes errors in the latest version of the new Xcode.

How I do UI

I develop SPPermission in Apple-way. For this, I check 30 apps to get UI-elements for it project. I am take screenshoot and draw it in Sketch. For example, Allow button is similar to Get button in the AppStore. Check timelapse to see how I am design SPPermission:

Timelaps on YouTube


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My projects


SPStorkController is сontroller as in Apple Music, Podcasts and Mail apps. Simple adding close button and centering arrow indicator. Customizable height. Using custom TransitionDelegate. Check scroll's bounce for more interactive. Simple adding close button and centering arrow indicator. You can download example Debts - Spending tracker app from AppStore.

Alert you can find in SPAlert project. If you want to buy source code of app in preview, please, go to xcode-shop.com


SPAlert is popup from Apple Music & Feedback in AppStore. Contains Done & Heart presets. Done present with draw path animation. I clone Apple's alerts as much as possible.
You can find this alerts in AppStore after feedback, after added song to library in Apple Music. I am also add alert without icon, as simple message.

You can download example Debts - Spending tracker app from AppStore. If you want to buy source code of app in preview, please, go to xcode-shop.com.


SPLarkController transition between controllers. Translate to top. Make settings screen for application. You can add buttons and switches. The amount cells is not limited. You can start using project with just two lines of code and easy customisation. For implement settings as in preiew, see section Settings Controller.

You can download example app Code - Learn Swift & Design from AppStore. If you want to buy source code of app this app, please, go to xcode-shop.com.


SPPermission is released under the MIT license. Check LICENSE.md for details.