
A Helm3 HTTP Server Wrapper by helm Go SDK, help you manage helm charts with HTTP RESTFul API

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A Helm3 HTTP Wrapper With Go SDK

helm-wrapper is a helm3 HTTP wrapper with helm Go SDK. With helm-wrapper, you can use HTTP RESTFul API do something like helm commondline (install/uninstall/upgrade/get/list/rollback...).

Support API

  • If there are some APIs need to support multiple clusters,you can use the parameters below
Params Description
kube_context Support distinguish multiple clusters by thekube_context
  • helm install
    • POST
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases/:release?chart=<chartName>

POST Body:

    "dry_run": false,           // `--dry-run`
    "disable_hooks": false,     // `--no-hooks`
    "wait": false,              // `--wait`
    "devel": false,             // `--false`
    "description": "",          // `--description`
    "atomic": false,            // `--atomic`
    "skip_crds": false,         // `--skip-crds`
    "sub_notes": false,         // `--render-subchart-notes`
    "create_namespace": false,  // `--create-namespace`
    "dependency_update": false, // `--dependency-update`
    "values": "",               // `--values`
    "set": [],                  // `--set`
    "set_string": [],           // `--set-string`
    "ca_file": "",              // `--ca-file`
    "cert_file": "",            // `--cert-file`
    "key_file": "",             // `--key-file`
    "insecure_skip_verify": "", // `--insecure-skip-verify`
    "keyring": "",              // `--keyring`
    "password": "",             // `--password`
    "repo": "",                 // `--repo`
    "username": "",             // `--username`
    "verify": false,            // `--verify`
    "version": ""               // `--version`

"values" -> helm install --values option

  • helm uninstall

    • DELETE
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases/:release
  • helm upgrade

    • PUT
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases/:release?chart=<chartName>

PUT Body:

    "dry_run": false,           // `--dry-run`
    "disable_hooks": false,     // `--no-hooks`
    "wait": false,              // `--wait`
    "devel": false,             // `--false`
    "description": "",          // `--description`
    "atomic": false,            // `--atomic`
    "skip_crds": false,         // `--skip-crds`
    "sub_notes": false,         // `--render-subchart-notes`
    "force": false,             // `--force`
    "install": false,           // `--install`
    "recreate": false,          // `--recreate`
    "cleanup_on_fail": false,   // `--cleanup-on-fail`
    "values": "",               // `--values`
    "set": [],                  // `--set`
    "set_string": [],           // `--set-string`
    "ca_file": "",              // `--ca-file`
    "cert_file": "",            // `--cert-file`
    "key_file": "",             // `--key-file`
    "insecure_skip_verify": "", // `--insecure-skip-verify`
    "keyring": "",              // `--keyring`
    "password": "",             // `--password`
    "repo": "",                 // `--repo`
    "username": "",             // `--username`
    "verify": false,            // `--verify`
    "version": ""               // `--version`

"values" -> helm install --values option

  • helm rollback
    • PUT
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases/:release/versions/:reversion

PUT Body (optional):

    "dry_run": false,           // `--dry-run`
    "disable_hooks": false,     // `--no-hooks`
    "wait": false,              // `--wait`
    "force": false,             // `--force`
    "recreate": false,          // `--recreate`
    "cleanup_on_fail": false,   // `--cleanup-on-fail`
    "history_max":              // `--history-max` int
  • helm list
    • GET
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases


    "all": false,               // `--all`
    "all_namespaces": false,    // `--all-namespaces`
    "by_date": false,           // `--date`
    "sort_reverse": false,      // `--reverse`
    "limit":  ,                 // `--max`
    "offset": ,                 // `--offset`
    "filter": "",               // `--filter`
    "uninstalled": false,       // `--uninstalled`
    "uninstalling": false,      // `--uninstalling`
    "superseded": false,        // `--superseded`
    "failed": false,            // `--failed`
    "deployed": false,          // `--deployed`
    "pending": false            // `--pending`
  • helm get
    • GET
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases/:release
Params Description
info support hooks/manifest/notes/values, default values
output get values output format (only info==values), support json/yaml, default json
  • helm release history

    • GET
    • /api/namespaces/:namespace/releases/:release/histories
  • helm show

    • GET
    • /api/charts
Params Description
chart chart name, required
info support all/readme/values/chart, default all
version --version
  • helm search repo
    • GET
    • /api/repositories/charts
Params Description
keyword search keyword,required
version chart version
versions if "true", all versions
  • helm repo list

    • GET
    • /api/repositories
  • helm repo update

    • PUT
    • /api/repositories
  • helm env

    • GET
    • /api/envs
  • upload chart

    • POST
    • /api/charts/upload
Params Description
chart upload chart file, with suffix .tgz
  • list local charts
    • GET
    • /api/charts/upload

Notes: helm-wrapper is Alpha status, no more test


type respBody struct {
    Code  int         `json:"code"` // 0 or 1, 0 is ok, 1 is error
    Data  interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
    Error string      `json:"error,omitempty"`

Build & Run


make build
make build-linux    // build helm-wrapper Linux binary
make build-docker   // build docker image with helm-wrapper

helm-wrapper help

$ helm-wrapper -h
Usage of helm-wrapper:
      --addr string                      server listen addr (default "")
      --alsologtostderr                  log to standard error as well as files
      --config string                    helm wrapper config (default "config.yaml")
      --debug                            enable verbose output
      --kube-context string              name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string                path to the kubeconfig file
      --log_backtrace_at traceLocation   when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
      --log_dir string                   If non-empty, write log files in this directory
      --logtostderr                      log to standard error instead of files (default true)
  -n, --namespace string                 namespace scope for this request
      --port string                      server listen port (default "8080")
      --registry-config string           path to the registry config file (default "/root/.config/helm/registry.json")
      --repository-cache string          path to the file containing cached repository indexes (default "/root/.cache/helm/repository")
      --repository-config string         path to the file containing repository names and URLs (default "/root/.config/helm/repositories.yaml")
      --stderrthreshold severity         logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
  -v, --v Level                          log level for V logs
      --vmodule moduleSpec               comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
pflag: help requested
  • --config helm-wrapper configuration:
$ cat config-example.yaml
uploadPath: /tmp/charts
  - name: bitnami
    url: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami


$ ./helm-wrapper --config </path/to/config.yaml> --kubeconfig </path/to/kubeconfig>

Deploy in Kubernetes Cluster

replace deployment/deployment.yaml with helm-wrapper image, then:

kubeclt create -f ./deployment 

Noets: with deployment/rbac.yaml, you not need --kubeconfig