
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

DeepStellar: Model-Based Quantitative Analysis of Stateful Deep Learning Systems

Prepare Environment


pip install -r requirement.txt

To prepare an RNN model

python -m mnist_demo.mnist_lstm

Generate the DTMC abstract model

python abstraction_runner.py -dl_model test/rnn_model/model.h5  -profile_save_path test/output/profile_save -comp_num 128 -k 3 -m 10 -bits 8 -name_prefix lstm_mnist -abst_save_path test/output/abst_model

Coverage Guided Testing

Construct initial seeds

python -m fuzzer.construct_initial_seeds -dl_model test/rnn_model/model.h5  -output_path ../fuzz_data/initialseeds

Launch the testing process

python -m fuzzer.image_fuzzer -i ../fuzz_data/initialseeds -o ../fuzz_data/fuzzing-out-1/lstm-trans-3-10 -model_type mnist -dl_model test/rnn_model/model.h5 -criteria state -pkl_path test/output/abst_model/wrapper_lstm_mnist_3_10.pkl

Evaluation of the testing

Check the coverage metrics of the fuzzing output queue:

python -m evaluation_scripts.fuzzing.coverage_analyzer -dl_model test/rnn_model/model.h5 -wrapper test/output/abst_model/wrapper_lstm_mnist_3_10.pkl -inputs_folder ../fuzz_data/fuzzing-out-1/lstm-trans-3-10/queue -type queue

Check the coverage metrics of the initial seeds:

python -m evaluation_scripts.fuzzing.coverage_analyzer -dl_model test/rnn_model/model.h5 -wrapper test/output/abst_model/wrapper_lstm_mnist_3_10.pkl -inputs_folder ../fuzz_data/initialseeds -type seeds

Check the number of unique crashes

python -m evaluation_scripts.fuzzing.check_unique_crash -i ../fuzz_data/fuzzing-out-1/lstm-trans-3-10/crashes

If you would like to use Deepsteller in your research, please cite our FSE'19 paper:

author = {Du, Xiaoning and Xie, Xiaofei and Li, Yi and Ma, Lei and Liu, Yang and Zhao, Jianjun},
title = {DeepStellar: Model-Based Quantitative Analysis of Stateful Deep Learning Systems},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
pages = {477–487},
series = {ESEC/FSE 2019}