Deductive Reasoning for Math Word Problem Solving

This is the offcial repo for the ACL-2022 paper "Learning to Reason Deductively: Math Word Problem Solving as Complex Relation Extraction".


  • transformers pip3 install transformers
  • Pytorch > 1.7.1
  • accelerate package pip3 install accelerate (for distributed training)


Reproduce the results, simply run our scripts under scripts folder.

For example, reproduce the results for Math23k dataset,

bash scripts/


We also provide the Roberta-base-DeductiveReasoner checkpoints that we have trained on the Math23k, MathQA and SVAMP datasets. We do not provide the 5-fold model checkpoints due to space limitation.

Dataset Link
Math23k (train/dev/test setting) Link
MathQA Link



  • We plan to have a easier or more user-friendly way to load our pretrained model, by using the from_pretrained function from Hugginface.


If you find this work useful, please cite our paper:

    author = "Jie, Zhanming and Li, Jierui and Lu, Wei", 
    title = "Learning to Reason Deductively: Math Word Problem Solving as Complex Relation Extraction", 
    booktitle = "Proceedings of ACL", 
    year = "2022"