
Modified smart cooling fan module driver for raspberry Pi 3B and compatible Dev boards

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Modified smart cooling fan module driver for Raspberry Pi 3B and compatible Dev boards


This driver is written for Raspberry Pi 3B, compatible with the RaspiOS (raspbian) system. Since the WiringPi library is no longer maintained, this driver may not work properly on newer versions of the system.

Update 2024.6.4

The WiringPi library now is maintained by GC2, but I have not tested the new WiringPi yet, some functions may not work with the new WiringPi.

Tested on the following platforms:

OS Arch Kernel Base
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) 32-bit 6.1 Debian 11 (bullseye)
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) 64-bit 6.1 Debian 11 (bullseye)

Build from source


The following packages are required

  • git
  • gcc
  • make


Enable Raspberry Pi I2C interface:

sudo raspi-config

select Interfacing Options - I2C Enabled

Then make sure the WiringPi library is installed, check:

gpio -v

If not, build and install from source:

git clone https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi.git
cd ./WiringPi
sudo ./build


use make to build this module:

make main


you can start the driver manually, or use the following command to set auto start with the system:

sudo make install

Auto start setting

check if rc-local service is enabled:

systemctl status rc-local

if enabled then:

edit rc.local file, insert the path to the executable file before "exit 0":

sudo vim /etc/rc.local

example path:


rc.local service may not enable in some system's default settings, use the following commands to enable this service:

chmod +x /etc/rc.local
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start rc-local
systemctl status rc-local

You can reboot now.