# botcheck botcheck makes a call to the [Botometer API](https://botometer.iuni.iu.edu/#!/) and returns the probability that a specified Twitter user is a bot. Higher probability scores are more bot-like. ## Installation Install this package from Github: ```{r, eval=FALSE} install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_github("marsha5813/botcheck") library(botcheck) # Load dependencies library(httr) library(xml2) library(RJSONIO) ``` ## Setup You must first [get your own Botometer API key](https://market.mashape.com/OSoMe/botometer). Save your key by replacing the "xxxx" placeholders. ```{r, eval=FALSE} Mashape_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ``` You'll also need to create and register a [Twitter app](https://apps.twitter.com/). Save your keys by replacing the "xxxx" placeholders. ```{r, eval=FALSE} consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ``` Finally, store the Twitter authorization info. ```{r, eval=FALSE} myapp = oauth_app("twitter", key=consumer_key, secret=consumer_secret) sig = sign_oauth1.0(myapp, token=access_token, token_secret=access_secret) ``` ## Use Call the botcheck() function to get the probability that a Twitter handle is a bot. Importantly, do not put the "@" before the Twitter user's name. For example: ```{r, eval=FALSE} botcheck("barackobama") ```
Makes a call to the Botometer API in R to obtain the probability that a specified Twitter handle is a bot.