
Primary LanguageC

PMTest: A Fast and Flexible Testing Framework for Persistent Memory Programs

Sihang Liu, Yizhou Wei, Jishen Zhao, Aasheesh Kolli, and Samira Khan
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2019. [Paper] [Lightning Video] [Slides]

Table of Contents

Introduction to PMTest


Recent non-volatile memory technologies such as 3D XPoint and NVDIMMs have enabled persistent memory (PM) systems that can manipulate persistent data directly in memory. This advancement of memory technology has spurred the development of a new set of crash-consistent software (CCS) for PM - applications that can recover persistent data from memory in a consistent state in the event of a crash (e.g., power failure). CCS developed for persistent memory ranges from kernel modules to user-space libraries and custom applications. However, ensuring crash consistency in CCS is difficult and error-prone. Programmers typically employ low-level hardware primitives or transactional libraries to enforce ordering and durability guarantees that are required for ensuring crash consistency. Unfortunately, hardware can reorder instructions at runtime, making it difficult for the programmers to test whether the implementation enforces the correct ordering and durability guarantees.

We believe that there is an urgent need for developing a testing framework that helps programmers identify crash consistency bugs in their CCS. We find that prior testing tools lack generality, i.e., they work only for one specific CCS or memory persistency model and/or introduce significant performance overhead. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose PMTest, a crash consistency testing framework that is both flexible and fast. PMTest provides flexibility by providing two basic assertion-like software checkers to test two fundamental characteristics of all CCS: the ordering and durability guarantee. These checkers can also serve as the building blocks of other application-specific, high-level checkers. PMTest enables fast testing by deducing the persist order without exhausting all possible orders. In the evaluation with eight programs, PMTest not only identified 45 synthetic crash consistency bugs, but also detected 3 new bugs in a file system (PMFS) and in applications developed using a transactional library (PMDK), while on average being 7.1× faster than the state-of-the-art tool.

Overview of PMTest Interface

PMTest incorporates a flexible software interface that is C and C++ compatible. PMTest have four types of functions. The first category is for initializing and enabling the testing functionalities of the framework. Programmers can select the region for testing by wrapping the code with a pair of PMTest_START and PMTest_END functions. The second category of functions allows programmers to operate on persistent objects. By default, all accesses to PM between PMTest_START and PMTest_END are tracked by PMTest. Programmers may exclude objects from tracking using PMTest_EXCLUDE() function. Already excluded objects can be tracked again using PMTest_INCLUDE(). To allow programmers to check the persistency status of a variable outside its scope (e.g., outside the function where it is declared), we provide three functions: PMTest_REG_VAR, PMTest_UNREG_VAR, and PMTest_GET_VAR that allow programmers to register the address of a persistent object with a name and check its persistency status later. The third category of functions enables the communication from the test program to the checking engine. Programmers can divide a program into independent sections (e.g., transactions) using PMTest_SEND_TRACE for better testing speed. Once the execution of a section is complete, PMTest can start testing it on a separate thread while the program is executing the next section. The function PMTest_GET_RESULT blocks the program execution until all previously generated traces have been tested. The last category of functions are checkers, including two low-level checkers: isOrderedBefore() and isPersist(), and the high-level checkers for transactions. The high-level checkers for PMDK test three issues: (i) if a transaction has completed, (ii) if the persistent objects within the transaction have been added to the undo log before modification, and (iii) if there are unnecessary writebacks and redundant logs that constitute the performance bugs.

Function Name Description
PMTest_INIT Initialize PMTest
PMTest_EXIT Exit and clean up PMTest
PMTest_THREAD_INIT Initialize per thread PMTest tracking
PMTest_START Enable PMTest tracking and testing
PMTest_END Disable PMTest tracking and testing
PMTest_EXCLUDE Remove a persistent object from testing scope
PMTest_INCLUDE Add a persistent object back to testing scope
PMTest_REG_VAR Register the address and size of a variable name
PMTest_UNREG_VAR Unregister a variable name
PMTest_GET_VAR Get the address and size of a variable by its name
PMTest_SEND_TRACE Send the current trace to PMTest checking engine and start a new trace
PMTest_GET_RESULT Block the program execution until all existing traces have been tested
isPersist Check if a persistent object has been persisted
isOrderedBefore Check the order of two persists
TX_CHECKER_START Start checking transactions
TX_CHECKER_END End checking transactions

PMTest Installation

This repository is organized as follows:

  • pmtest/src/: the source code of our implementation.
  • pmtest/include/: the header files.
  • pmtest/nvml/: the NVM library from Intel, now changes its name to PMDK. We use the same version as WHISPER to demonstrate the functionality of our tool. If you are looking for benchmarks other than nvml for testing purpose, We also provide a full Whisper benchmark suite with PMTest injection.
  • pmtest/patch/: the patches for reproducing bugs (both synthetic and real-world) in nvml.


Dependencies of PMTest:

  • libboost: Our source code adopt the implementation of interval tree from boost::icl.

Dependencies of NVML:

  • autoconf.
  • pkg-config.

For more information, please refer to pmtest/nvml/README.md or PMDK website.

Linux persistent memory mapping:

Although PMTest does not have any requirement for the system, NVML is built on the Direct Access (DAX) feature that can be found in both Linux and Windows. As the minimal requirement for executing test programs in nvml, we introduce how to set up a persistent memory block device (PMEM) support on a Linux machine. For more information, please refer to NVDIMM wiki.

  • Create PMEM device for persistent memory:

    To permanantly allocate space for persistent memory in a Ubuntu system, first we need to add a kernel boot parameter (temporarily adding a kernel parameter is also covered here).

    Edit /etc/default/grub with sudo privilege. Change line:

      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"


      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash memmap=4G!4G"

    4GB will be sufficient for our purpose(Reference). Save the changes and execute:

      $ sudo update-grub

    Then reboot the system to make the parameter take effect. After the restart, you shall see a new PMEM device with directory /dev/pmem0m or /dev/pmem0 with command:

      $ df -Th
  • Create mounting point for PMEM device:

    First format the raw partition /dev/pmem0m we got from previous steps:

      $ mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/pmem0m

    Then create a mounting point with the name you wish, here we will name it as pmem:

      $ mkdir /mnt/pmem

    Finally, mount the device to the mounting point with DAX option:

      $ mount -o dax /dev/pmem0m /mnt/pmem

    Now you can use this persistent memory device like a normal file folder. More details can be found at NVDIMM wiki.

Build PMTest

PMTest usually works as a dynamically linked library for user-space programs. To build, execute the following command in the root directory of pmtest/:

$ make release

This will automatically generate library libpmtest.so in directory pmtest/build/libs/, which can be linked with any C or C++ program.

To clean the directory, run:

$ make clean

By default, PMTest will only prompt the ERRORs. To enable printing the WARNINGs as well, rebuild with command:

$ make warning

To enable printing debugging trace, rebuild with command:

$ make debug

PMTest can verify the trace with multiple cores. this can be done ahead of building by setting the environment variable NUM_CORES or change the default value in /pmtest/Makefile:


Build NVML

We have modified NVML and add correct library and header dependencies so that it can correctly compile together with PMTest.

To build NVML, run:

$ make nvml

To clean, run:

$ make nvml-clean

For convenience, you may want to install the shared libraries, run:

$ sudo make nvml-install

Then you may also need to update the linker bindings with:

$ ldconfig -v

Or you can also directly use the original scripts and Makefile they provided under pmtest/nvml/. For more information, please refer to pmtest/nvml/README.md.

Testing and reproducing bugs

To compile the examples, run:

$ make nvml-example

To clean, run:

$ make nvml-example-clean

NVML provides 5 examples to demonstrate the basics of persistent memory programming.

  • ctree
  • btree
  • rbtree
  • hashmap_tx
  • hashmap_atomic

We inject instrumentation code to monitor the crash consistency of these programs. If you have named your mounting point as /mnt/pmem/, then you can execute these programs (for example, ctree) by running:

$ make nvml-exec arg=ctree

This will create a directory named /mnt/pmem/pmtest/ to store program data.

pmtest/patch/ folder contains the git patches that we create for generating bugs (either extra ERROR or WARNING) inside these examples. For detailed information about each bug, please refer to the README file of the patches. Note that the original examples have no ERROR.

As a fast demonstration, you may use

make nvml-btree

to reproduce one real bug we found in btree.

To apply or reverse other patches, use the script we provide:

$ ./patch/patch.sh [-R] <location_of_nvml> <patch>

For example:

$ ./patch/patch.sh ./ ./patch/btree/btree_backup_1.patch

Then rebuild the examples:

$ make nvml-example

You need to remove the patch before applying another one:

$ ./patch/patch.sh -R ./ ./patch/btree/btree_backup_1.patch