A Simple Game Engine Project
- Assimp: https://github.com/assimp/assimp
- Boost: https://www.boost.org/
- FreeType: https://www.freetype.org/index.html
- if you use VS2017
you can run this project by following command:
git clone https://github.com/xiaoshichang/scarlett.git
cd scarlett
git submodule init
git submodule update
then open this project with VS2017, build it and run it.
- if you use other version of VS
you need to complie all used libraries by youself and modify the paths in CMakelist.txt
esc framework.
basic cross-platform rendering.(dx11, opengl)
- pbr workflow.
- basic animation system.
- basic terrain system.
- ui framework.
- basic ttf font render.