
Primary LanguageC++

Bandit Game Architect


This game involves a player P and a casino C. The casino C offers s slots (where s is determined at game day) one of which offers a 0.6 probability to win and s-1 slots having a 0.47 probability to win. C chooses which slot is the winning slot and may change the winning slot k times (also determined at game day but below s/3) over 100 * s pulls.

P begins with 100*s tokens. Before each pull, P choose a slot and bets from one to three tokens. If P wins, then P's wealth increases by that same number of tokens. If P loses, then P's wealth decreases by that same number of tokens. C is told what P's wealth is after each roll.

When C switches, P is not told even that a switch has happened.

If P's wealth ever reaches 0 or if the 100*s pulls are done, the game stops.

game description update at 10/23

The player may stop playing at any time before 100* s pulls and keep the tokens P still has at that time.

player(gambler) may stop playing by sendMove with {bet} = 0.

build and start the server

require java version 11 later, maven 3

  git clone http://github.com/xiaotanker/Bandit.git
  cd server
  mvn clean package
  java -jar ./target/bandit-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --bandit.totalSlot=20 --bandit.maxSwitch=8

--bandit.totalSlot stands for s, and --bandit.maxSwitch stands for k this will start a server at localhost and port 8080

REST apis for clients to play the game

joining the game

request type: POST
path: /casino/join?name={name}
description: joinning the game as the casino with name {name}
response status: 200 on success
response contents: pwd a string for authentication
request type: POST
path: /gambler/join?name={name}
description: joinning the game as the gambler(player) with name {name}
response status: 200 on success
response contents: pwd a string for authentication

geting the status

request type: GET
path: /casino/status?pwd={pwd}
description: get the current status for casino
response status: 200 on success
response contents: current status, json string, example displayed down here
request type: GET
path: /gambler/status?pwd={pwd}
description: get the current status for gambler(player)
response status: 200 on success
response contents: current status, json string, example displayed down here

sending the move

request type: POST
path: /casino/sendMove?pwd={pwd}&winningSlot={winningSlot}
description: set current winning slot to {winningSlot}
response status: 200 on success
response contents: current status, json string, same as get status
request type: POST
path: /gambler/sendMove?pwd={pwd}&slot={slot}&bet={bet}
description: gambler go to slot {slot} and bets for {bet}, stop playing the game by setting {bet}=0
response status: 200 on success
response contents: current status, json string, same as get status

contact us

feel free to contact us via email tj2099@nyu.edu & cz2139@nyu.edu