
A collection of my education-related scripts.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Education Scripts


The main script of the repository. Performs many school-related tasks, like opening the course folder/website, printing the calendar, listing finals, etc.

Starting out

If you're a student of a school that uses SIS, use school initialize <schedule CSV> to create this structure automatically (taken from SIS -> Rozvrh NG -> Zobrazit všechny předměty -> CSV). If not, see "Folder Structure" section of this document to create the structure manually.


The script supports various actions. For example, by writing school open course alg, you open the course with name/abbreviation alg. However, since this would be quite a chore to write, you can simplify by only writing the starting letters of the actions that you want to perform (school o c alg, in our case).

Here are the currently supported actions (the details of each are explained in the sections below). The 'or' between some of the names for the actions means that either name can be used to call it, since it's tedious to remember whether to 'remove' a homework or to 'delete' it...

├── list
│   ├── courses <when>
│   ├── finals
│   └── timeline
├── open
│   ├── course  <course name/abbreviation>
│   ├── website <course name/abbreviation>
│   ├── lsf     <course name/abbreviation>
│   ├── notes   <course name/abbreviation>
│   └── online  <course name/abbreviation>
├── initialize <schedule CSV>
└── homework
    ├── list                   <course name/abbreviation/'all'>
    ├── add or new             <course name/abbreviation>
    ├── edit                   <homework UID>
    ├── remove or delete       <homework UID>
    ├── complete or finish     <homework UID>
    ├── incomplete or unfinish <homework UID>
    └── extrapolate            <course name/abbreviation>

list courses

Lists all of the courses. The <when> can be either empty (listing all courses), t/tm (today/tomorrow) or mo/tu/we/th/fr/sa/su for listing courses on a given weekday.

╭───────────────────────◀ Monday / 31. 8. ▶───────────────────────╮
│ Doporučené postupy v programování │ 10:40 - 12:10        │ SU2  │
│ Lineární algebra 2                │ 14:00 - 15:30        │ S10  │
│ Doporučené postupy v programování │ 15:40 - 17:10        │ S9   │
│                                                                 │
├───────────────────────◀ Tuesday / 1. 9. ▶───────────────────────┤
│ Medvědovo seminář z ADS           │  9:00 - 10:30        │ S322 │
│ Algoritmy a Datové Struktury      │ 10:40 - 12:10        │ S3   │
│ Lineární algebra 2                │ 14:00 - 15:30        │ S5   │
│ Počítačové systémy                │ 15:40 - 17:10        │ S3   │
│                                                                 │
├──────────────────────◀ Wednesday / 2. 9. ▶──────────────────────┤
│ Programování 2                    │  9:00 - 10:30        │ S5   │
│ The C Programming Language        │ 10:40 - 12:10        │ SU2  │
│ Počítačové systémy                │ 12:20 - 13:50 (even) │ SW2  │
│ Algoritmy a Datové Struktury      │ 14:00 - 15:30        │ S11  │
│ Úvod do Linuxu                    │ 15:40 - 17:10 (even) │ S5   │
│                                                                 │
├───────────────────────◀ Thursday / 3. 9. ▶──────────────────────┤
│ Architektura počítačů             │  9:00 - 10:30        │ S5   │
│ Matematická analýza 1             │ 12:20 - 13:50        │ S1   │
│ Matematická analýza 1             │ 14:00 - 15:30        │ S3   │
│ Programování 2                    │ 15:40 - 17:10        │ S8   │
│ Úvod do řešení problémů           │ 19:20 - 21:00        │ S3   │
│                                                                 │
├───────────────────────◀ Friday / 28. 8. ▶───────────────────────┤
│ Úvod do Linuxu                    │ 10:40 - 12:10        │ SU2  │

If <when> is plain, only a simple list is produced:


list finals

Lists finals for all courses. To add a final, one must add the final attribute to info.yaml:

╭───────────────────────────◀ Finals! ▶───────────────────────────────────────╮
│ Algoritmy a Datové Struktury │  4. 6. 2020 │  9:30 │ done            │ S3   │
│ Matematická analýza 1        │  9. 6. 2020 │ 10:00 │ done            │ S5   │
│ Programování 2               │ 10. 6. 2020 │  9:00 │ done            │ S3   │
│ Lineární algebra 2           │ 15. 6. 2020 │  9:00 │ done            │ S9   │
│ Architektura počítačů        │ 18. 6. 2020 │ 13:00 │ done            │ Zoom │
│ Počítačové systémy           │ 26. 6. 2020 │ 10:00 │ 1 day, 19 hours │ Zoom │

list timeline

Lists the courses as a timeline.

│7:20      9:00      10:40     12:20     14:00     15:40     17:20     19:00     20:40     │
│                    {  DPP  }           {  LA   } {  DPP  }                               │
│          { ADS++ } {  ADS  }           {  LA   } {  PS   }                               │
│          { PROG  } {   C   } {  PS   } {  ADS  } { LINUX }                               │
│          {  AP   }           {  MA   } {  MA   } { PROG  }             {   IPS  }        │
│                    { LINUX }                                                             │

open <action> <course>

Opens something course-related.

Leaving course empty selects the ongoing (or upcoming if there is no ongoing) course. One can also add -? at the end (where ? is the first character of the course type) to open the specific course type inside the course folder (example: alg-c for "cvičení" (labs) in algorithms). Setting argument to n or next opens the next course. Note that course is case and diacritics-insensitive, so open course ËĎÁüí is the same as open course edaui.

open course <course>

Open the course with the specified name/abbreviation in the file browser specified in the script configuration.

open website <course>

Open the website of the course in the file browser specified in the configuration. If multiple websites are found, an option is presented to open one.

open lsf <course>

Open the LSF site of the course in the file browser specified in the configuration.

Added because I'm currently getting a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Heidelberg and this is the central system they're using.

open notes <course>

Open the notes.<note app extensions> file in the given course's directory in the note app specified in the configuration. If multiple files are found, an option is presented to open one.

open online <course>

Open the course's online link in the file browser specified in the configuration. Meant to be a Zoom (or Zoom-like service) link, which will likely differ from the course's website.

initialize <schedule CSV>

Initializes a new school year from a CSV in the format from my university's information system (SIS). For fellow students of MFF UK: SIS -> Rozvrh NG -> Zobrazit všechny předměty -> CSV.


Handles homework-related actions.

list <course name/abbreviation/'all'>

Lists all unfinished homework. course is in the same form as the open command above. If all is specified, all homework (regardless of completeness) is listed.

╭───────────────────────────────────────────────◀ Homework ▶───────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ iqf │ Matematická analýza 1             │ Equations     │ 27. 8. 2020 │ 12:00 │ overdue (1 day, 5 hours) │
│ rgs │ Lineární algebra 2                │ Formulas      │ 30. 8. 2020 │ 13:00 │ 1 day, 19 hours          │
│                                                                                                          │
├───────────────────────────────────────────◀ Without deadline ▶───────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ myb │ Doporučené postupy v programování │ A big project │ -           │ -     │ -                        │
add or new <course>

Add a new homework to a given course (same format as open above) and open it in the editor specified in config.py.

edit or change <uid>

Edit a homework with the given UID (to find a UID of a homework, use homework list).

remove or delete <uid>

Delete a homework with the given UID.

complete or finish <uid>

Mark a homework with the given UID as compete.

extrapolate <course>

Attempt to create a new homework for a given course by looking at the name and date of the previous two.

Application dependencies

The script calls various external programs for opening notes/websites/folders:

If you prefer to use other programs, edit config.py.

Folder structure

The script requires a particular folder structure to function properly. By default, a courses folder/symlink (as defined by the courses_folder variable in config.py) should be placed in the school folder of this repository with the following contents:

├── Course 1 (abbreviation)
│   ├── tutorial
│   │   └── info.yaml
│   └── lecture
│   │   └── info.yaml
├── Course 2 (abbreviation)
│   ├── tutorial
│   │   └── info.yaml
│   └── lecture
│   │   └── info.yaml
└── courses...

The courses should all be in one folder, their folder names being the course name, followed by the course abbreviation (Algorithms I (ALG), for example). In each of the course folders, at least one of the folder names specified in school/config.py > course_types should be present - these are defined by the user and separate the given course tutorial/lecture files.

The info.yaml file contains all of the necessary information about the course, such as time, place, email, etc... Here is the full syntax with sample values:

code: 14j1o53

    name: John Smith
    email: smith@email.com
    website: john.com
    office: T312
    note: "Consultations from 13:00 to 15:00 on Wednesday."

    day: Wednesday
    start: 14:00
    end: 15:30
    weeks: odd

    address: 89 Old Atlantic St. Christiansburg, VA 24073
    number: S11
    floor: 3

    date: 2020-06-18T13:00:00Z
    classroom: ...

website: https://www.google.com
online: https://zoom.us/j/96931706150

credits: 8

All of the root attributes values are optional, so even an empty .yaml file is a valid course identifier.


The script supports various flags (sometimes):

  • -s, --short - makes the output of the script more concise
  • -f, --folder - specify, where the current courses folder is (overrides config.py)
    • useful when you want to operate on the previous semesters but don't want to rewrite configuration


Converts markdown files with embedded Xournal++ files to PDF (using Pandoc). Helpful when doing homework where sketches are required.
